Poetry by Sean Morris (Elder)
"If Thou but Suffer God to Guide Thee" ("Who Trusts in God's Unchanging Love")
Original lyrics by Georg Neumark (verses 3, 6, 7)
Additional lyrics by Sean Morris (verses 1-2, 4-5, modified v. 7)
1. While yet a sinner God did find me,
When without strength for me He died!
What are these doubting thoughts inside me,
As if by oath to me He lied?
The love that led me first to Christ,
Will lead me onward till my death!
2. Hearts that do turn from evil tidings,
Believe in hope through God the Son,
Hating all sin for its beguiling,
Looking for help though staggering on.
They will find grace to help in time:
A Throne of Grace, a Living God!
3. If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
And hope in Him through all thy ways,
He'll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee,
And bear thee through the evil days.
Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
Builds on the Rock that naught can move!
4. Those souls that are so often sighing,
With fainting eyes & groans for prayers,
Shall find that language was arising,
Despite all times no words for prayers.
Look man the smoke, the angel’s hand
The censer borne in Heaven’s Land! (See revelation 8:3-5)
5. By all means do await God’s leisure,
Make fervent prayers with restlessness.
You are a watchman for God’s pleasure,
Freed from all earthly selfishness.
Those who do now false-peace forsake,
Do so for God, for Zion’s sake!
6. God knows full well when times of gladness,
Shall be the needful thing for thee.
When He has tried thy soul with sadness,
And from all guile has found thee free.
He comes to thee all unaware,
And makes thee own His loving care.
7. Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
Perform thy duties faithfully,
And trust His Word, though undeserving,
Thou yet shalt find it true for thee.
God never yet forsook in need
The soul that trusted Him indeed.
Original lyrics by Georg Neumark (verses 3, 6, 7)
Additional lyrics by Sean Morris (verses 1-2, 4-5, modified v. 7)
1. While yet a sinner God did find me,
When without strength for me He died!
What are these doubting thoughts inside me,
As if by oath to me He lied?
The love that led me first to Christ,
Will lead me onward till my death!
2. Hearts that do turn from evil tidings,
Believe in hope through God the Son,
Hating all sin for its beguiling,
Looking for help though staggering on.
They will find grace to help in time:
A Throne of Grace, a Living God!
3. If thou but suffer God to guide thee,
And hope in Him through all thy ways,
He'll give thee strength, whate'er betide thee,
And bear thee through the evil days.
Who trusts in God's unchanging love,
Builds on the Rock that naught can move!
4. Those souls that are so often sighing,
With fainting eyes & groans for prayers,
Shall find that language was arising,
Despite all times no words for prayers.
Look man the smoke, the angel’s hand
The censer borne in Heaven’s Land! (See revelation 8:3-5)
5. By all means do await God’s leisure,
Make fervent prayers with restlessness.
You are a watchman for God’s pleasure,
Freed from all earthly selfishness.
Those who do now false-peace forsake,
Do so for God, for Zion’s sake!
6. God knows full well when times of gladness,
Shall be the needful thing for thee.
When He has tried thy soul with sadness,
And from all guile has found thee free.
He comes to thee all unaware,
And makes thee own His loving care.
7. Sing, pray, and keep His ways unswerving,
Perform thy duties faithfully,
And trust His Word, though undeserving,
Thou yet shalt find it true for thee.
God never yet forsook in need
The soul that trusted Him indeed.