JERICHO MUST FALL: God's Contention With Joel Osteen
"The seven of us involved in the effort to warn Lakewood Church of the coming judgment, are all of one mind in regards to the message that each of us were proclaiming that Sunday. Most of the small substance of what has been reported of the phrases that were spoken by us are accurate, but they are by no means the complete burden that flooded our hearts that morning... and that burden had indeed flooded our eyes with tears for many months prior as we preached to those multitudes flowing in and out of Lakewood - like droves tottering on the brink of destruction. What was not ballasting these reports is that we had been burdened for this place for years (2014-15 especially), and were, all of us, united in fasting and prayer for three days preceding this event. We went constituted by the word of God, which says, “Thus saith the LORD; Stand in the court of the LORD'S house, and speak unto all the cities of Judah, which come to worship in the LORD'S house, all the words that I command thee to speak unto them; diminish not a word” (Jeremiah 26:2), and again, “The time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God” (I Peter 4:17). I do not say that we even recognize Lakewood as a church, or Osteen as a minister of Christ, but because they confer upon themselves such titles, we have been obliged to decry their sins.
Let this much suffice for those who understand not what legitimizes such an act of righteous judgment.
The apostle rightly warned in the last days that men would “not endure sound doctrine, but after their own lusts would heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; and would turn away their ears from the truth and be turned unto fables” (II Timothy 4:3,4). This prophecy has been fearfully fulfilled before our eyes by this man and his followers. It shows the true state of The Union.
Joel Osteen has glorified himself and not God. He has heaped to himself riches, while he promises the poorest of the poor a life of health, wealth, and prosperity. Joel's religion is a worship of SELF, and not of CHRIST. He knows not the Lord Jesus Christ whom he says has commissioned him to preach. He has not His word abiding in him and thus can stand certain upon no truth, and denies the gospel on every side with absolutely no conscience. He says, “Your best life now,” while Christ says, “Your best life hereafter.” Joel teaches to love your life, while Christ forewarns, “If any man come to me, and hate not his own life, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14:26).
We are convinced that the sins of Joel Osteen and Lakewood have reached heaven and that God has remembered their iniquities. Thus the judgment of God is coming, must come, and in one sense has already come (manifested in the drunken stupor upon the masses that are trapped by him, to whom he promises lies of vanity)!
This judgment shall devastate the man, the ministry, and the masses.
May the viewer beware, fear God, and cry out to him. Flee your apostate synagogue of Satan, into the refuge Christ Jesus is providing in this day.
The Church Of Wells
Yours Truly, In Christ, Jake Gardner