Poetry by Sean Morris (Elder)
"The Mercy Seat"
Original lyrics by Hugh Stowell ("From Every Stormy Wind that Blows," verses 7, 10, 15, part of 24)
Additional lyrics by Sean Morris (verses 1-6, 8-9, 11-14, 16-23, 24 modified)
1. There is a place where judgment reigns,
And vengeance is poured forth the same,
Except the saints do intercede,
To make the Throne - The Mercy Seat!
2. When priests their office have ignored,
And the offering of the Lord abhorred (1 Sam 2:17),
His wrath provoked ‘gainst Israel be,
Plagues break forth from His Mercy Seat!
3. The desolations of our Land,
And Isr’el chastised by God’s own hand,
Must for our sins the reason be,
We must secure the Mercy Seat!
4. The Church far off was then brought near,
Aft’ God at Sinai made saints fear,
So when in mercy He descends
They would commune like friend-to-friend.
5. From peaks of Sinai’s flames so bold,
The thund’ring of His voice which rolled,
Lo then in Tabernacle dwelt -
The Throne where Mercy could be felt!
6. His Seat on Sinai gulfed with flames,
Exchanged for Seat which then, blood-stained,
Became thenceforth a Throne of Grace -
The ground Priest’s call The Holy Place!
7. Ah, whither could we flee for aid,
When tempted, desolate, dismayed,
Or how the hosts of hell defeat,
Had suff'ring saints no Mercy Seat?
8. Like Cloud did lead amidst the sea,
Like Fire did make Egyptian flee,
So now I come expectantly
Of GLORY at The Mercy Seat!
9. The Ark which made the river heap,
Was ushered there by priestly feet,
That when their toes did touch the brim,
The Jordan saluted God with them!
10. From ev'ry stormy wind that blows,
From ev'ry swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat;
'Tis found beneath the Mercy Seat!
11. Now Priests reborn the Gentiles make -
Christ’s righteousness as robes they take:
So with authority they wake,
A slumb’ring world for Jesus’ sake!
12. Like Egyptian host did take flight,
Like Jordan did stand-up upright,
All sin is conquered by more grace,
In the New Testament Holy Place!
13. Within the Oracle I am,
The place where God communes with man!
At last I now do understand:
My ears are filled with words and plans!
14. The Kingdom of God is at hand!
We priests and kings among Christ stand!
None here could dare the Throne withstand -
The GLORY shines on every man!
15. There, there on eagle wings we soar,
And time and sense seem all no more,
And Heav'n comes down our souls to greet,
And GLORY crowns The Mercy Seat.
16. If I in priestly garments stand,
In pray’r to God with lifted hands,
I dare not ask for meager things,
But those which Heaven’s Angels sing!
17. If I before the Throne appear,
In Governmental cause brought near,
May I not then His Throne disgrace:
To ask and then distrust His Grace!
18. To me are promises to prove,
The scope of them I dare not move,
Nor shrink before the Throne one plea,
A Priest I am for God’s glory!
19. Within my heart I find Thy plan:
Thy Government is near at-hand,
That when I with the trumpet blast,
God’s will right here is brought to pass!
20. With Priestly id-ent-it-y held fast
I know for me there’s no more wrath!
Enjoyed, invited, and adored,
I come fearless unto my LORD!
21. Of my commission I’m assured,
Grave matters which do bare the sword,
So when I feel the need to pray:
I stand for them which wrath doth slay!
22. As Priest ran with censer in hand,
It’s urgent to-pray for fallen man,
Stand-up oh Priest and save the soul,
For them God did appoint your role!
23. Or else upon Priests, God’s wrath falls,
By neglecting their Royal Call;
Through God own thy appointed task,
Ensure that mercy is stedfast!
24. O may my hand forget her skill,
My tongue be silent, cold, and still,
This bounding heart in pain to beat,
If I forget The Mercy Seat!
Original lyrics by Hugh Stowell ("From Every Stormy Wind that Blows," verses 7, 10, 15, part of 24)
Additional lyrics by Sean Morris (verses 1-6, 8-9, 11-14, 16-23, 24 modified)
1. There is a place where judgment reigns,
And vengeance is poured forth the same,
Except the saints do intercede,
To make the Throne - The Mercy Seat!
2. When priests their office have ignored,
And the offering of the Lord abhorred (1 Sam 2:17),
His wrath provoked ‘gainst Israel be,
Plagues break forth from His Mercy Seat!
3. The desolations of our Land,
And Isr’el chastised by God’s own hand,
Must for our sins the reason be,
We must secure the Mercy Seat!
4. The Church far off was then brought near,
Aft’ God at Sinai made saints fear,
So when in mercy He descends
They would commune like friend-to-friend.
5. From peaks of Sinai’s flames so bold,
The thund’ring of His voice which rolled,
Lo then in Tabernacle dwelt -
The Throne where Mercy could be felt!
6. His Seat on Sinai gulfed with flames,
Exchanged for Seat which then, blood-stained,
Became thenceforth a Throne of Grace -
The ground Priest’s call The Holy Place!
7. Ah, whither could we flee for aid,
When tempted, desolate, dismayed,
Or how the hosts of hell defeat,
Had suff'ring saints no Mercy Seat?
8. Like Cloud did lead amidst the sea,
Like Fire did make Egyptian flee,
So now I come expectantly
Of GLORY at The Mercy Seat!
9. The Ark which made the river heap,
Was ushered there by priestly feet,
That when their toes did touch the brim,
The Jordan saluted God with them!
10. From ev'ry stormy wind that blows,
From ev'ry swelling tide of woes,
There is a calm, a sure retreat;
'Tis found beneath the Mercy Seat!
11. Now Priests reborn the Gentiles make -
Christ’s righteousness as robes they take:
So with authority they wake,
A slumb’ring world for Jesus’ sake!
12. Like Egyptian host did take flight,
Like Jordan did stand-up upright,
All sin is conquered by more grace,
In the New Testament Holy Place!
13. Within the Oracle I am,
The place where God communes with man!
At last I now do understand:
My ears are filled with words and plans!
14. The Kingdom of God is at hand!
We priests and kings among Christ stand!
None here could dare the Throne withstand -
The GLORY shines on every man!
15. There, there on eagle wings we soar,
And time and sense seem all no more,
And Heav'n comes down our souls to greet,
And GLORY crowns The Mercy Seat.
16. If I in priestly garments stand,
In pray’r to God with lifted hands,
I dare not ask for meager things,
But those which Heaven’s Angels sing!
17. If I before the Throne appear,
In Governmental cause brought near,
May I not then His Throne disgrace:
To ask and then distrust His Grace!
18. To me are promises to prove,
The scope of them I dare not move,
Nor shrink before the Throne one plea,
A Priest I am for God’s glory!
19. Within my heart I find Thy plan:
Thy Government is near at-hand,
That when I with the trumpet blast,
God’s will right here is brought to pass!
20. With Priestly id-ent-it-y held fast
I know for me there’s no more wrath!
Enjoyed, invited, and adored,
I come fearless unto my LORD!
21. Of my commission I’m assured,
Grave matters which do bare the sword,
So when I feel the need to pray:
I stand for them which wrath doth slay!
22. As Priest ran with censer in hand,
It’s urgent to-pray for fallen man,
Stand-up oh Priest and save the soul,
For them God did appoint your role!
23. Or else upon Priests, God’s wrath falls,
By neglecting their Royal Call;
Through God own thy appointed task,
Ensure that mercy is stedfast!
24. O may my hand forget her skill,
My tongue be silent, cold, and still,
This bounding heart in pain to beat,
If I forget The Mercy Seat!