Last Days Poetry
When the Thousand Years Have Come
by Jake Gardner (elder)
1. When the Thousand Years has come
And it's all been said and done
And time's no more
Lord Jesus, we'll sit with you
By your glorious throne
And our hearts will be humbled
Like never before
2. Having passed through hell on earth
Finally brought to the birth
By sovereign grace
Seven years to end that age
Was but a few days
For the love that we had
For you, Lord
3. The end of the world had come
Prepared only were some
Awake in the night
Babylon raised from her sleep
Like a terrible beast
Ordained to make war
And overcome your saints
4. The best of times and the worst
That all at once
Great Tribulation
Many purified made white
Some falling to try
And purge them
To the time of the end
5. To the wilderness was sent,
The Church, and she went,
With great eagle’s wings!
Nourished there through all her woes,
For three years and a half:
Both overcome, And learning to overcome!
6. Her enemy, he did oppose,
And yet she arose,
At this time like never before!
Running to and fro, made strong;
Holpen with a little help;
By the hands of her God:
Strengthened to do great exploits.
7. Caught up in the clouds with you,
What a breath-taking view
With all of your saints
What a change is this I see
Never fathomed before
A son of God was I by faith,
But now much more
8. This sea of glass is strewn with fire
Kindled by holy ire
But I’m above
What a movement is made below
All kings prepare for war
But all I can do is sing
And play before you
9. So longed for by all saints
Awaiting this day
Just to see His face
All saints surround his throne,
While in circuits he moved
The sign of the Son of man
Revealed from the heav’ns!
10. This sight so glorious
Is only to us
Others do curse
Every man by devil lead
Prepares weapons of war,
Following the whore
Riding the beast!
11. The time had soon expired
All nations conspired
Against the Lamb.
From throne to horse, the King,
Like fire did move:
Most dreadful thing
Ever I saw!
12. The sword of this Man did rise;
Was bathed in the skies:
Punishing the hosts of the heights!
Suddenly then did descend
And fall upon men:
Now wallowing,
And fleeing apace!
13. Babylon the great and the brave,
The whole world she enslaved:
Now behold the wretch!
Ineffable pangs did her seize:
This pitiful beast:
Crying, pleading,
Begging for hell!
14. To Jerusalem we flew:
Armageddon in view,
Riding white horses!
Terrifying majesty
Fell from his eyes;
Forever engraved upon
The hearts of his enemies!
15. Every foe slain by his word,
Like a two-edged sword:
Or trampled under his feet!
All has passed away, now we,
With him, plant our feet,
Upon the ground of that
Glorious City!
16. Every Jew left in her walls,
Upon this Christ they do call:
Jesus the Son of God!
Having mourned for many days,
As for their only son:
Suddenly restored, and
Comforted forevermore!
17. All the pain and grief has been -
Likewise has our sin -
Eclipsed by your face!
What a glorious Conqueror,
Drinking from the brook,
Has lifted the head,
Through all eternity!
by Jake Gardner (elder)
1. When the Thousand Years has come
And it's all been said and done
And time's no more
Lord Jesus, we'll sit with you
By your glorious throne
And our hearts will be humbled
Like never before
2. Having passed through hell on earth
Finally brought to the birth
By sovereign grace
Seven years to end that age
Was but a few days
For the love that we had
For you, Lord
3. The end of the world had come
Prepared only were some
Awake in the night
Babylon raised from her sleep
Like a terrible beast
Ordained to make war
And overcome your saints
4. The best of times and the worst
That all at once
Great Tribulation
Many purified made white
Some falling to try
And purge them
To the time of the end
5. To the wilderness was sent,
The Church, and she went,
With great eagle’s wings!
Nourished there through all her woes,
For three years and a half:
Both overcome, And learning to overcome!
6. Her enemy, he did oppose,
And yet she arose,
At this time like never before!
Running to and fro, made strong;
Holpen with a little help;
By the hands of her God:
Strengthened to do great exploits.
7. Caught up in the clouds with you,
What a breath-taking view
With all of your saints
What a change is this I see
Never fathomed before
A son of God was I by faith,
But now much more
8. This sea of glass is strewn with fire
Kindled by holy ire
But I’m above
What a movement is made below
All kings prepare for war
But all I can do is sing
And play before you
9. So longed for by all saints
Awaiting this day
Just to see His face
All saints surround his throne,
While in circuits he moved
The sign of the Son of man
Revealed from the heav’ns!
10. This sight so glorious
Is only to us
Others do curse
Every man by devil lead
Prepares weapons of war,
Following the whore
Riding the beast!
11. The time had soon expired
All nations conspired
Against the Lamb.
From throne to horse, the King,
Like fire did move:
Most dreadful thing
Ever I saw!
12. The sword of this Man did rise;
Was bathed in the skies:
Punishing the hosts of the heights!
Suddenly then did descend
And fall upon men:
Now wallowing,
And fleeing apace!
13. Babylon the great and the brave,
The whole world she enslaved:
Now behold the wretch!
Ineffable pangs did her seize:
This pitiful beast:
Crying, pleading,
Begging for hell!
14. To Jerusalem we flew:
Armageddon in view,
Riding white horses!
Terrifying majesty
Fell from his eyes;
Forever engraved upon
The hearts of his enemies!
15. Every foe slain by his word,
Like a two-edged sword:
Or trampled under his feet!
All has passed away, now we,
With him, plant our feet,
Upon the ground of that
Glorious City!
16. Every Jew left in her walls,
Upon this Christ they do call:
Jesus the Son of God!
Having mourned for many days,
As for their only son:
Suddenly restored, and
Comforted forevermore!
17. All the pain and grief has been -
Likewise has our sin -
Eclipsed by your face!
What a glorious Conqueror,
Drinking from the brook,
Has lifted the head,
Through all eternity!