"The Gospel of Matthew" Series
By Sean Morris
The audio for this series, "The Gospel of Matthew", is available for download at the bottom of this page. The 1st audio message called, "The Gospel of Matthew, An Introduction to Jewish Law Contextual to 1st Century Israel", was interrupted and cut-short because of a malfunction in the recording device. Despite this failure of the audio recorder, the content which was preached in this message is provided in greater fullness in the PDF document below (or click here). If you desire to know the entire content of the sermon which was cut-short then please begin reading at the section titled, "The Disannulment of the Old Testament Clean & Unclean Laws", in the PDF document provided below (or click here). The content provided in the other sermons is also contained in writing via the same document. If you prefer to read it via a webpage instead of a PDF, please click here.
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For more information on what is taught in Matthew's Gospel, you can find the Chapter (Chapter #19: Matthew's Cohesive Argument that Jesus of Nazareth was and is the Messiah) located in context with related topics in Volume 3, titled, A Clean Place. |
Download Instructions:
(depending on your browser) To download, right click on the link, and select "save link as..." To listen directly on the web, simply click on the link. |
Old Testament Ceremonial Law Fulfilled by Christ
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