A Letter to Paul Washer from Moses David
Dear Brothers Paul and Marc,
Greetings to you in the matchless Name of our merciful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I would like to bring before you a positive report about our daughter, Preethi (now Preethi Morris) and the Church of Wells.
Our family went to the marriage along with a good pastor friend (a lesser known, but the most knowledgeable and the best Bible teacher in my opinion). Our pastor friend counseled us to repent of our sin of harsh treatment of Preethi before she left home. After we asked for forgiveness from Preethi, both Sean and Preethi became very soft and tender hearted towards us. Sean Morris shared his personal testimony of salvation by grace alone and faith alone, which was very compelling. After a detailed discussion of the doctrine, all of us, including Anand and Prasanna felt comfortable about them. My only criteria for giving the hand of Preethi to a man that was that he was genuinely born again by the Spirit of God, and walking presently with Jesus Christ as his Lord, and Savior, with a passion to serve Him. Sean met all of these criteria. The church family welcomed us, and showed us a lot of favor and outpouring of love. God demonstrated His faithfulness to me in a very powerful way during the wedding, especially while walking Preethi down the aisle, and we sang the hymn, "How Deep the Father's Love for us" The church service itself was very moving, very powerful charge given by Ryan Ringnald to Sean and Preethi, an inspiring (I was truly inspired to be a husband like that to my wife, Mercy!) twenty minute marriage vow by Sean Morris to Preethi and a heartfelt, God-centered written personal vow by Preethi. The sermon itself was a Holy Spirit inspired message by Corey McLaughlin. The sermon was two-hours long, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit was very strong. The church family was especially nice to our family.
Since the wedding, Preethi has been in communication with us, and is happy to be united with Sean. She is blessed to be in the company of saints who truly are committed to the Lord. Sean ministers to the men throughout the day, and then to Preethi in the night. Preethi spends her day in God's Word, prayer and in fellowshiping/counseling the other women, and preparing food for part of the time. Preethi had always wanted to marry a servant of God, and be in the ministry work, which God provided for her. All communication channels are open for her to contact us, and she communicates with us every week. Preethi is bearing good fruit now and has a broken and contrite spirit and heart.
In the beginning of March, I had the privilege to visit Preethi and Sean, and stayed with them in their house. I was blessed to know Sean more and fellowshiped with the other church members, mostly young men, with much knowledge of God's Word, well discipled, and with a passion and zeal for the Lord. I sensed genuine love among the church members, and God-honoring, committed marriages. I was blessed to go on an hour-long walk with Preethi, just the two of us. Preethi shared with me about her life, and we shared with each other what the Lord had been doing in our lives.
I am truly blessed to know these people and I can clearly state that there is a lot of unrighteous slander against them. Their doctrine of judgment sounds very wrong to many people, but it is really a response to God's call to love. They truly love from the heart, and take judgment seriously, and thus come across in a negative way. When you come to know them well, they are very tender-hearted, genuine and direct in their interactions. They believe in eternal security in the Person of Lord Jesus Christ, but disagree with the way most professing believers slant it in a way that supports their carnal, disobedient lifestyle. They believe that the believer's perseverance is the work of Christ unto salvation, and without ongoing repentance and Holy Spirit submission, a person is damned to hell. I like the way Sean Morris explains salvation in that a true Christian can say, "I was saved," "I am being saved" and "I will be saved". True salvation includes Christ's work of obedience, Holy Spirit submission, working out salvation, fearing God, and walking in the narrow way, these are all good works established and enabled by God Himself (Eph 2:10).
After knowing the inner working details of the church, I can confidently say that there is no evil being practiced or supported in this church. The elders support good familial relationships as long as they do not affect one's relationship with God. I have personally spoken to Catherine Grove on two occasions, without anyone supervising our conversation. The elders are encouraging her to re-establish her communication with her parents, and she is moving closer in that direction. Catherine is growing spiritually and is gradually becoming stronger. Sean told me that they are praying for Catherine to be united with her family. Many of the members are committed to re-establish their connections with their families, with Christ as the center of these interactions. Family members sometimes do not like that, because they simply want to re-establish familial ties in the same worldly way, as they are used to, so this leads to some conflict for some families. The press reports that may have seen recently are biased, one-sided, and half-truths. When the ABC news crew were stalking them, the church decided after much prayer, to not respond to their questions since they would misrepresent them by using only portions of conversations without bringing the context. Much of the slander has been propagated by a few parents who were distraught by the present lives of their children, and have labeled them as a cult. This is far from true, and we need to stand up with our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for Christ's sake. Otherwise, we will be shedding the blood of the saints, and grieving Christ. Since you are one of the persons whom they highly respect, and were blessed by your teaching, I hope that God will use you to bring blessing to them and their families. If you find any of their doctrine in error, please use the Scripture to point it to them, they are open to any correction by saints in good standing, who can prove things from God's Word.
Praying for unity of all saints, by our love they will know we are Christians!
Love in Christ,
Moses and Mercy David
Dear Brother Marc, please pass it on to Brother Paul......thank you!
Greetings to you in the matchless Name of our merciful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I would like to bring before you a positive report about our daughter, Preethi (now Preethi Morris) and the Church of Wells.
Our family went to the marriage along with a good pastor friend (a lesser known, but the most knowledgeable and the best Bible teacher in my opinion). Our pastor friend counseled us to repent of our sin of harsh treatment of Preethi before she left home. After we asked for forgiveness from Preethi, both Sean and Preethi became very soft and tender hearted towards us. Sean Morris shared his personal testimony of salvation by grace alone and faith alone, which was very compelling. After a detailed discussion of the doctrine, all of us, including Anand and Prasanna felt comfortable about them. My only criteria for giving the hand of Preethi to a man that was that he was genuinely born again by the Spirit of God, and walking presently with Jesus Christ as his Lord, and Savior, with a passion to serve Him. Sean met all of these criteria. The church family welcomed us, and showed us a lot of favor and outpouring of love. God demonstrated His faithfulness to me in a very powerful way during the wedding, especially while walking Preethi down the aisle, and we sang the hymn, "How Deep the Father's Love for us" The church service itself was very moving, very powerful charge given by Ryan Ringnald to Sean and Preethi, an inspiring (I was truly inspired to be a husband like that to my wife, Mercy!) twenty minute marriage vow by Sean Morris to Preethi and a heartfelt, God-centered written personal vow by Preethi. The sermon itself was a Holy Spirit inspired message by Corey McLaughlin. The sermon was two-hours long, and the conviction of the Holy Spirit was very strong. The church family was especially nice to our family.
Since the wedding, Preethi has been in communication with us, and is happy to be united with Sean. She is blessed to be in the company of saints who truly are committed to the Lord. Sean ministers to the men throughout the day, and then to Preethi in the night. Preethi spends her day in God's Word, prayer and in fellowshiping/counseling the other women, and preparing food for part of the time. Preethi had always wanted to marry a servant of God, and be in the ministry work, which God provided for her. All communication channels are open for her to contact us, and she communicates with us every week. Preethi is bearing good fruit now and has a broken and contrite spirit and heart.
In the beginning of March, I had the privilege to visit Preethi and Sean, and stayed with them in their house. I was blessed to know Sean more and fellowshiped with the other church members, mostly young men, with much knowledge of God's Word, well discipled, and with a passion and zeal for the Lord. I sensed genuine love among the church members, and God-honoring, committed marriages. I was blessed to go on an hour-long walk with Preethi, just the two of us. Preethi shared with me about her life, and we shared with each other what the Lord had been doing in our lives.
I am truly blessed to know these people and I can clearly state that there is a lot of unrighteous slander against them. Their doctrine of judgment sounds very wrong to many people, but it is really a response to God's call to love. They truly love from the heart, and take judgment seriously, and thus come across in a negative way. When you come to know them well, they are very tender-hearted, genuine and direct in their interactions. They believe in eternal security in the Person of Lord Jesus Christ, but disagree with the way most professing believers slant it in a way that supports their carnal, disobedient lifestyle. They believe that the believer's perseverance is the work of Christ unto salvation, and without ongoing repentance and Holy Spirit submission, a person is damned to hell. I like the way Sean Morris explains salvation in that a true Christian can say, "I was saved," "I am being saved" and "I will be saved". True salvation includes Christ's work of obedience, Holy Spirit submission, working out salvation, fearing God, and walking in the narrow way, these are all good works established and enabled by God Himself (Eph 2:10).
After knowing the inner working details of the church, I can confidently say that there is no evil being practiced or supported in this church. The elders support good familial relationships as long as they do not affect one's relationship with God. I have personally spoken to Catherine Grove on two occasions, without anyone supervising our conversation. The elders are encouraging her to re-establish her communication with her parents, and she is moving closer in that direction. Catherine is growing spiritually and is gradually becoming stronger. Sean told me that they are praying for Catherine to be united with her family. Many of the members are committed to re-establish their connections with their families, with Christ as the center of these interactions. Family members sometimes do not like that, because they simply want to re-establish familial ties in the same worldly way, as they are used to, so this leads to some conflict for some families. The press reports that may have seen recently are biased, one-sided, and half-truths. When the ABC news crew were stalking them, the church decided after much prayer, to not respond to their questions since they would misrepresent them by using only portions of conversations without bringing the context. Much of the slander has been propagated by a few parents who were distraught by the present lives of their children, and have labeled them as a cult. This is far from true, and we need to stand up with our brothers and sisters who are being persecuted for Christ's sake. Otherwise, we will be shedding the blood of the saints, and grieving Christ. Since you are one of the persons whom they highly respect, and were blessed by your teaching, I hope that God will use you to bring blessing to them and their families. If you find any of their doctrine in error, please use the Scripture to point it to them, they are open to any correction by saints in good standing, who can prove things from God's Word.
Praying for unity of all saints, by our love they will know we are Christians!
Love in Christ,
Moses and Mercy David
Dear Brother Marc, please pass it on to Brother Paul......thank you!