Sean Morris
[email protected]

For as long as I can remember I called myself a Christian. I traveled all around the world during my adolescence because my Dad worked in the oil industry. During this time of travel I went to more countries, states, and cities that many could dream to see, and in the process I met, saw, and did comprehend all kinds of backgrounds, religions, and races. During this span of time I saw and met more people than many would in a life time, and yet, I was never challenged on my belief in what I understood as Christianity...
Ryan Ringnald
[email protected]

I was saved around the fall of 2006. Before that time, I had been among the most religious of persons I knew: I had unwaveringly assented to the fundamental doctrines of the faith; I had been persecuted for standing on my Christian convictions numerous times; I had been baptized, led Bible studies, and participated in accountability groups; I had oft lifted up my hands in emotional worship to God with tears; I had learned more than most of my peers about Scripture “from a child”; I had, in pretense, "committed" my life to Christ ofttimes since I was four; I had even shared the orthodox American “gospel” with others for years. Notwithstanding, it was in the spring of 2005 as a freshman in a professed Christian university, when the Lord chose to begin a work in me ...
Jake Gardner
[email protected]

I was born in 1988, and born again in 2005. I was falsely converted at 8 years old after hearing my dad read the 13th chapter of the book of Revelation. I had a true sense ministered to me of my sin and how that, if it came down to it, I most certainly would take that "mark of the beast" than lose my life for Jesus Christ. I was undone. Sadly, my dad was unconverted himself, so I was undone only to be served a false gospel. No faith by the miraculous power of God, no repentance given through the godly sorrow of the Spirit of God, no power to live godly, no fellowship of the Spirit, and (most importantly) no Christ.
Richard Trudeau
[email protected]

I am a privileged man, saved in the fall of 2006 after a life of sin and a year of blessed and fearful judgment. All through my life, apart from the instruction of the wise, the Lord (Himself) in his merciful patience and kindness toward me (the unjust) instructed me from a child, through his righteous and divine interruptions, to teach me the evils of the world, false religion, and finally, my own soul. These merciful acts of Providence culminated in the year of his judgment toward me...
Jesse Morris
[email protected]

Jordan Fraker
[email protected]
[email protected]

More information coming soon...