Richard Trudeau
[email protected]

I am a privileged man, saved in the fall of 2006 after a life of sin and a year of blessed and fearful judgment. All through my life, apart from the instruction of the wise, the Lord (Himself) in his merciful patience and kindness toward me (the unjust) instructed me from a child, through his righteous and divine interruptions, to teach me the evils of the world, false religion, and finally, my own soul. These merciful acts of Providence culminated in the year of his judgment toward me, in which he taught me the vanity of life through practical experience and honest introspection, along with the exceeding sinfulness of sin. Consequentially, when it pleased God and when I could say honestly that I hated my life in this world, God sent his servants to testify of the pearls of saving doctrine, such as the New Birth and the Second Coming of Christ. These pearls and this Lord then became precious to me by the awakening of the Holy Ghost. I knew surely that such a Lord deserved complete obedience and spent the next two days counting the cost, at the end of which time, with all that in me was, I yielded up my life, rights, and all to his lordship. Shortly after, the revelation of the Son of God was granted to my soul by a visitation of the Holy Ghost. It was then that the love of God flooded my heart and I found the Gospel power promised to overcome sin to those who believe. “All things became new” seems an understatement to describe the glory that was revealed in me. Praise Jesus Christ my Lord and bless the Father of all mercies. Amen. I now marvel, as the knowledge of God increases, to behold the straitness of the gate and the narrowness of the way, while at the same time, in fear and trembling, I do joyously look for the hope of the glory of God.
Your servant for Christ's sake, Richard G. Trudeau
Your servant for Christ's sake, Richard G. Trudeau
For a more detailed testimony, please read:
The Redemption and Courtship Testimonies of Richard Trudeau by Richard,
Followed by the Salvation Testimony of Anna (Kiser) Trudeau by Anna
The Redemption and Courtship Testimonies of Richard Trudeau by Richard,
Followed by the Salvation Testimony of Anna (Kiser) Trudeau by Anna