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"□□□ □□□ □□□ □□□□□□□□□□□□□□ □□□□□□□□ □□□□ □□□□□ □□ □□□: □□□□ □□ □□□□ □□, □□□□ □□□□ □□ □□□□. (□) □□□ □□□□□□ □□□□ □□...
O God, have mercy upon the foolishness of thy people — for your great name’s sake! http://www.putoffthyshoes.com/calvinism-vs-arminianism/-the-calvinists-fallacious-reasoning-john-wesleyPosted by The Church of Wells on Monday, June 22, 2020
O God, have mercy upon the foolishness of thy people — for your great name’s sake! http://www.putoffthyshoes.com/calvinism-vs-arminianism/-the-calvinists-fallacious-reasoning-john-wesley
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