A Letter to Paul Washer from Ted Gardner
March 7, 2014
Dear Pastor Washer,
I pray this letter reaches your hands and finds you richly blessed of God. My name is Ted Gardner and I am the father of Jacob Gardner, one of the young elders of the church of Wells, Texas, of which I believe you are familiar. I write this to implore you to look further into the matters surrounding this small group of believers in Texas. They are now, it seems, beset on every side. In large part by those who claim Christ and of course by those who have no part in Him. These mostly young people in Wells have long held you and your preaching in high esteem and indeed have been greatly influenced by it. If a preacher in the body of Christ of your stature were to make a fair and impartial inquiry into the accusations made against this church, it would go a long way in offering “a cup of cold water only” to these beleaguered brothers and sisters. To my knowledge and contrary to what has been widely reported, none of those who should be their spiritual fathers has ever sought to meet with these young men to search the scriptures to find if the doctrines that they adhere to do in fact line up with God’s word. All, it would appear, would prefer to hold their doctrines of man’s free will and decisional salvation at a distance than to tackle up close and personal what the scriptures say about the sovereignty of God. And I do believe that is where the roots of this controversy began with them some three years ago now. Then gossip started and rumors spread and an avalanche of accusations now appears ready to engulf them were it not stayed by the grace of God.
I do not say that I agree with them on every point of doctrine or in all they have said or done, but I would argue that all of it comes from an honest heart and a desire to see Jesus Christ glorified. They are guilty of the zealousness of Phinehas and a pursuit of holiness that there is such a dearth of in the church of America today. Did not our Lord say He would prefer us hot or cold?
Brother Washer, I know you must be a very busy man with your own ministry, but if you could even appoint a Godly man with the only agenda that Christ be glorified to speak with these young leaders and ask them directly of the things they stand accused of I think they would be found reasonable and forthcoming to an honest inquiry. And as for any final determination, may the whole disposing thereof be of the Lord.
There is much more I could write but I would not presume to steal of your time. My son does not know that I am writing this letter to you, but I was impressed upon to do something as I am now in some fear of their physical safety. May God lead.
Many blessings on you, your house and your ministry.
Your fellow servant of Christ,
Ted Gardner
Dear Pastor Washer,
I pray this letter reaches your hands and finds you richly blessed of God. My name is Ted Gardner and I am the father of Jacob Gardner, one of the young elders of the church of Wells, Texas, of which I believe you are familiar. I write this to implore you to look further into the matters surrounding this small group of believers in Texas. They are now, it seems, beset on every side. In large part by those who claim Christ and of course by those who have no part in Him. These mostly young people in Wells have long held you and your preaching in high esteem and indeed have been greatly influenced by it. If a preacher in the body of Christ of your stature were to make a fair and impartial inquiry into the accusations made against this church, it would go a long way in offering “a cup of cold water only” to these beleaguered brothers and sisters. To my knowledge and contrary to what has been widely reported, none of those who should be their spiritual fathers has ever sought to meet with these young men to search the scriptures to find if the doctrines that they adhere to do in fact line up with God’s word. All, it would appear, would prefer to hold their doctrines of man’s free will and decisional salvation at a distance than to tackle up close and personal what the scriptures say about the sovereignty of God. And I do believe that is where the roots of this controversy began with them some three years ago now. Then gossip started and rumors spread and an avalanche of accusations now appears ready to engulf them were it not stayed by the grace of God.
I do not say that I agree with them on every point of doctrine or in all they have said or done, but I would argue that all of it comes from an honest heart and a desire to see Jesus Christ glorified. They are guilty of the zealousness of Phinehas and a pursuit of holiness that there is such a dearth of in the church of America today. Did not our Lord say He would prefer us hot or cold?
Brother Washer, I know you must be a very busy man with your own ministry, but if you could even appoint a Godly man with the only agenda that Christ be glorified to speak with these young leaders and ask them directly of the things they stand accused of I think they would be found reasonable and forthcoming to an honest inquiry. And as for any final determination, may the whole disposing thereof be of the Lord.
There is much more I could write but I would not presume to steal of your time. My son does not know that I am writing this letter to you, but I was impressed upon to do something as I am now in some fear of their physical safety. May God lead.
Many blessings on you, your house and your ministry.
Your fellow servant of Christ,
Ted Gardner