Poetry by Lindsay Morris
To suffer with affliction sore;
Yet still my heart is, "Send me more!"
My flesh wants health and prosperity,
But God knows still what's best for me.
He knows how to wean and how to tame;
Surely His rod will purge away my shame!
Send affliction and send disease!
Just never let me backslide in ease!
The ungodly have their best life now,
It's portrayed as a golden ring in a sow.
Their desires and lusts are all fulfilled!
But what hereafter when the Book to them is sealed?
Will torment be worth all the ease?
Will they be happy when pain will sieze?
To suffer a little in this life now...
Will help to make our proud hearts bow.
Away with comfort! Come what may!
Let me not murmur nor say , "Nay".
I know I need Thy chastising hand,
To purge me from evils of this land.
Teach me to glory in afflictions still.
Let my heart be soft to Thy every will.
Though my outer man may well decay,
I shall yet be renewed inwardly each day!
For Christ, my King, will comfort still;
Though I bear a cross up His holly hill.
These afflictions seem lighter by the day,
Since Christ's righteous staff on me is laid.
I feel your cleansing blood applied!
I know it's the answer to the prayer I cried!
To make me holy is what I prayed;
Till on Canaan's shores I safely lay.
Your answer is not as man's would be..
You desire affliction... and say, "It's best, you see."
"For I am holier than you can know,
And I will reap here a little after I sow."
"I will return again on the clouds above!
I will gather the afflicted and those chastened in love!
I will gather my wheat into my barn,
The chaff set afire and sound the alarm!"
"All who have not desired to be purged,
To be complacent in this life and with evil be merged,
Those will I judge with doom as their end,
With their folly and shame, to hell will I send"
"So run not the way of the foolish and unwise.
For the devil will surely tempt you with lies.
Desire not the path with less pain and no rod.
For my corrections are life to those who in truth call me God."
To suffer with affliction sore;
Yet still my heart is, "Send me more!"
My flesh wants health and prosperity,
But God knows still what's best for me.
He knows how to wean and how to tame;
Surely His rod will purge away my shame!
Send affliction and send disease!
Just never let me backslide in ease!
The ungodly have their best life now,
It's portrayed as a golden ring in a sow.
Their desires and lusts are all fulfilled!
But what hereafter when the Book to them is sealed?
Will torment be worth all the ease?
Will they be happy when pain will sieze?
To suffer a little in this life now...
Will help to make our proud hearts bow.
Away with comfort! Come what may!
Let me not murmur nor say , "Nay".
I know I need Thy chastising hand,
To purge me from evils of this land.
Teach me to glory in afflictions still.
Let my heart be soft to Thy every will.
Though my outer man may well decay,
I shall yet be renewed inwardly each day!
For Christ, my King, will comfort still;
Though I bear a cross up His holly hill.
These afflictions seem lighter by the day,
Since Christ's righteous staff on me is laid.
I feel your cleansing blood applied!
I know it's the answer to the prayer I cried!
To make me holy is what I prayed;
Till on Canaan's shores I safely lay.
Your answer is not as man's would be..
You desire affliction... and say, "It's best, you see."
"For I am holier than you can know,
And I will reap here a little after I sow."
"I will return again on the clouds above!
I will gather the afflicted and those chastened in love!
I will gather my wheat into my barn,
The chaff set afire and sound the alarm!"
"All who have not desired to be purged,
To be complacent in this life and with evil be merged,
Those will I judge with doom as their end,
With their folly and shame, to hell will I send"
"So run not the way of the foolish and unwise.
For the devil will surely tempt you with lies.
Desire not the path with less pain and no rod.
For my corrections are life to those who in truth call me God."