Between the Passages
By Jake Gardner
This is a darkened generation we live in and there is a mountain of apostasy to be overcome if one will stand for the great God and our Lord Jesus Christ in this hour. The need of this day and age is not another acceptable preacher, or silver tongued orator - we need a Phinehas zealous for God's sake again! a Jonathan prepared to break ranks and stem the tide of national apostasy! Away with the meaningless round-table-talks of hypocrites!
Who will be valiant for God in the earth? "Who will go for us?" God asks.
May God help us all, for we live in an hour where the zealous, evangelistic, conservative world is turning coat and deserting the ranks of the persecuted (but not forsaken) army of the Lord Jesus Christ, whole-sale. God help us, and open the eyes of lukewarm, compromised Christianity today!
Related poem by Jake Gardner - A Lamentation for My Fathers
This is a darkened generation we live in and there is a mountain of apostasy to be overcome if one will stand for the great God and our Lord Jesus Christ in this hour. The need of this day and age is not another acceptable preacher, or silver tongued orator - we need a Phinehas zealous for God's sake again! a Jonathan prepared to break ranks and stem the tide of national apostasy! Away with the meaningless round-table-talks of hypocrites!
Who will be valiant for God in the earth? "Who will go for us?" God asks.
May God help us all, for we live in an hour where the zealous, evangelistic, conservative world is turning coat and deserting the ranks of the persecuted (but not forsaken) army of the Lord Jesus Christ, whole-sale. God help us, and open the eyes of lukewarm, compromised Christianity today!
Related poem by Jake Gardner - A Lamentation for My Fathers
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