God's Controversy with Paul Washer
Paul Washer’s unique rise to prominence as a global voice for Christ was both sudden and unexpected. An unspoken cry from the heart of God was voiced in the sermon, “Shocking Youth Message”, and the word delivered did not return void. Christendom was shocked.
It’s only a matter of time until the silence of cowardice is broken by the outcry of true Men of God who are valiant for the truth no matter the cost (2 Tim. 4:1-5). True prophets are God’s emergency men, and desperate times call for desperate measures (Jer. 7:1-2, Ezek. 3:17-21). In this case, God found Paul Washer willing to speak the hard truth that others weren’t willing to preach, and it happened to be at a Youth Conference.
Paul Washer boldly decried “American Christianity” - warning the people about the Broad Road that our “godless culture” dictates and defines as morality (Matt. 7:13-14). In one word, Paul Washer decried worldliness (1 Jn. 2:15-17, James 4:4)! - specifically, as it is manifested in how people live: how they “act”, “walk”, “talk”, “look”, and “smell”. At a heart level, Paul spoke of what makes people “laugh” while they “watch” television and what “music” they “listen” to or enjoy. In bodily presence, Paul spoke of how they “look” and / or what they “wear” for “clothing”, how they “walk”, and even how they “smell”. He even gave guidelines to the people to help them discern how to “dress” modestly in a “culture” that is consumed with lust and sensuality.
Paul Washer boldly decried “American Christianity” - warning the people about the Broad Road that our “godless culture” dictates and defines as morality (Matt. 7:13-14). In one word, Paul Washer decried worldliness (1 Jn. 2:15-17, James 4:4)! - specifically, as it is manifested in how people live: how they “act”, “walk”, “talk”, “look”, and “smell”. At a heart level, Paul spoke of what makes people “laugh” while they “watch” television and what “music” they “listen” to or enjoy. In bodily presence, Paul spoke of how they “look” and / or what they “wear” for “clothing”, how they “walk”, and even how they “smell”. He even gave guidelines to the people to help them discern how to “dress” modestly in a “culture” that is consumed with lust and sensuality.
“If your clothing is a frame for your face, God is pleased with your clothing. If your clothing is a frame for your body, it’s sensual and God hates what you’re doing.” – Paul Washer
Religious hypocrites and sinners don’t ever want to hear specifics when it comes to their “involvement” with the world and “the things” that God hates. They would prefer the broad strokes of most modern-day preachers who refuse to be dogmatically black & white about morality, making people feel secure and happy in the grey. To be clear, Paul was contrasting a life of “holiness” with a desire “be like Brittney Spears” or other “worldly people” that are the “heroes” of American culture. After a sleepless night of prayer, it’s no wonder that God owned the message and published it worldwide.
Nevertheless, discerning listeners are made to wonder what has become of Paul Washer these past two decades. The man who openly condemned the personification of worldliness embodied in Brittney Spears, without apology, was later bewitched to lay hands upon Lecrae and Trip Lee, among others (1 Tim. 5:22); and this was before Lecrae stormed the echelons of the music and entertainment business of America by crossing over to mainstream music, hitting No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with his 2014 album “Anomaly”.
Nevertheless, discerning listeners are made to wonder what has become of Paul Washer these past two decades. The man who openly condemned the personification of worldliness embodied in Brittney Spears, without apology, was later bewitched to lay hands upon Lecrae and Trip Lee, among others (1 Tim. 5:22); and this was before Lecrae stormed the echelons of the music and entertainment business of America by crossing over to mainstream music, hitting No. 1 on the Billboard 200 with his 2014 album “Anomaly”.
Paul hasn’t publicly repented of his actions before the millions of souls who look for his approval as a means of personal gratification, nor has he delivered any public rebukes to Lecrae, Trip Lee, and company as they led the Neo-Calvinists of today into worldliness in a mighty exodus from Conservative Christianity. Even as Lacrae and the “116 Clique” shamelessly act, walk, talk, look, and smell like the world in all the ways identified and boldly decried in the Shocking Youth Message, Paul remains silent before the remnant. Can you believe it? Even in the face of increasingly unspeakable abominations, like when Lecrae coarsely jested with a homosexual on the Red Carpet when Tyler Oakley asked him about the secret of his success as a musician, and he laughingly pointed to the fact that he shaves his chest (Eph. 5:4). This wasn’t a mere slip of the tongue either. Lecrae had already become wildly popular among the heathen for his treachery on all sides.
Lecrae has made a career out of apostasy: passionately listening to, enjoying, and admiring talented Hip Hop music that glorifies sin while erroneously justifying it in the name of Art – emulating the same as he artistically glorifies himself in a professed self-discovery before the world (“For men shall be lovers of their own selves…” – 2 Tim. 3:2). Of course, Lecrae has absolutely no problem laughing, dancing, and partying with sinners as long as he isn’t drunk or high (1 Pet. 4:2-5, Gal. 5:19-21). Nor does he have a problem producing music with and / or praising the loudest mouthpieces of Satan in the entertainment business (Prov. 28:4, 2 Pet. 2:18). Dressing outrageously immodest in gangster apparel and / or designer clothes as the occasion requires, Lecrae regularly celebrates covetousness, lust, sensuality, and the pride of life (Prov. 6:17, 21:4, 30:13; Ps. 10:4); howbeit, Lecrae disguises these worldly practices by claiming to be on a journey of self-discovery with his peers in a pursuit of creativity, style, and art, because he doesn’t want to appear to be a sellout in the eyes of devout Christians (2 Kings 17:17; 2 Pet. 2:12-16).
Earthly fortune and fame comes with a price (Lk. 16:15). No wonder the world is happy to watch Lecrae on television as he is broadcasted as a star by the mainstream entertainment business of a godless American culture (1 Jn. 4:5-6; Jn. 7:7, 1 Jn. 3:13). Having become a bonafide celebrity, and following in the footsteps of those who went before him on the Red Carpet, Lecrae now dreams of the day he could rid himself of the Christian label that he’s been branded with (Mk. 8:38).
Ever wonder why Paul Washer doesn’t openly rebuke this madness? Amazingly, instead of openly disassociating himself from Lecrae and company, Paul publicly boasts in the personal friendships he has with these men (1 Cor. 5:6; Prov. 13:20, 14:7).
What happened to Paul Washer? How can he publicly “honor” these men as true “men of God” who “walk in integrity” without batting an eye? Will nobody of reputation in Calvinism today say anything about it (1 Tim. 5:20)? Can these men still blush (Jer. 6:15, 8:12)? Silence in such times as these can only mean that worldliness like a disease has touched the Remnant Leaders, even because “the whole head is sick, and the whole heart is faint” (Isa. 1:5-6). Paul Washer is clearly starstruck by Lecrea and Trip Lee. The Cult Personality of False Christianity is strong, and now even Paul Washer is rapping (Prov. 7:26)!
Meanwhile, Paul’s good friend, and fellow celebrity preacher, Voddie Baucham, is admittedly “obsessed” with martial arts and daydreams about returning to the mats for violence (Ps. 11:5, 73:6). Not even a move to Africa for missions could quench his lust for martial arts, so he started a Dojo in Zambia (Col. 2:8). I’m sure Paul Washer has no problem with it. He celebrates the fact that Ian and Evan, and even Rowan, have been training in martial arts for years, and now the oldest has gotten into Kickboxing.
As Paul & Rosario enjoy making violent jokes before hundreds of thousands of onlookers in cyberspace, while quoting iconic movies like “Bloodsport” (Eph. 5:4), one can only imagine how much of the godless culture of America has infected the souls of the Washer family (Eph. 4:29, Col. 3:8, 17). This is coming from a man who famously preached so strongly against watching “programs on television that God absolutely despises” (Ps. 101:3). Nevertheless, the Washer family is clearly entertained by “The Lord of the Rings”. Not only does Rosario Washer boast about her favorite scene in the movie, when her kids came to learn how to ride horses, she couldn’t help but celebrate the achievement by calling them, “All the riders of Rohan..”.
Considering the fact that “The Lord of the Rings” is a cinematic tutorial of Witchcraft that has led people by droves into practicing magic worldwide, this is truly disturbing. Then, later on, Rosario is inspired to dress up Rowan like “Rey” from “Star Wars”, while enthusiastically publishing hashtags like #starwarstheforceawakens and #starwarsgeek, as she playfully calls her kids by the nickname #kamikaze. Rosario, also called Charo, is so absorbed with the world that her slogan for her recently removed photography website read: “Photography is a love affair with life.” (James 4:4, Lk. 14:26). All this and more is countenanced by Paul Washer, the same man who valiantly challenged people’s conversion to Christ based upon if their “heroes are worldly people, if [they] want to look like them and act like them”. Given the hypocrisy, this makes me wonder what inspired Paul and Rosario to name their two baby girls Rowan and Bronwyn. Could it be that they named their kids after characters from “The Lord of the Rings”? God knows.
Considering the circumstances, one can only wonder the topic of laughter as the friends and family members of Paul Washer gather together for a good time. The Church Universal would be shocked to hear Paul being made to “laugh about the very things that God hates” (Php. 4:8-9)! Nevertheless, his conscience has become seared, so now he jokes about how his wife humorously lied to him with Todd Friel – an obnoxious and insober radio personality who is gifted at bringing relatively serious men into a state of carnality and lightness (Col. 3:9, Titus 2:2, 1 Tim. 3:2). I’m sure Todd feels guilty about his noisome insobriety of character, so he has capitalized on the moment to officially broadcast Paul Washer’s “Sense of Humor” to the whole world (1 Tim. 3:2, James 3:17). How many unconverted or backslidden souls of this generation are justifying the practice of serious sin simply because Paul Washer does it?
I know for certain that Les Lanphere is doing it. You know… the man who got Paul Washer to rap! He somehow achieved this while interviewing him for a recently released movie, “Calvinist”, seeing he was entrusted with the apostolic role of capturing the essence of what it means to be a Calvinist to the up-and-coming generation of today. As a beer enthusiast who has the audacity to name his podcast on theology “The Reformed Pubcast”, you can imagine who else might be in the famed documentary he put together (Isa. 28:7-9). Men like Joe Thorn and Jeff Durban. As a lead Pastor, Joe unashamedly has “a love of all things dark” – and by this he means things like horror movies, death metal, and dark fiction. With such passions, you can imagine what Thorn had in mind when he named his dog “Lucyfur”! Jeff Durban, however, needs no introduction.
Jeff has become a controversial figure among Calvinists today because of a lascivious lifestyle (Jude 1:4). Judging by how he acts, looks, walks, talks, and smells, he is often wrongly accused of being a drunkard; however, this is something he proudly denies, only because he hasn’t even tasted a beer for years out of personal preference. Nevertheless, he might as well be drunk (Isa. 29:9-10, 1 Thess. 5:5-8)! Jeff certainly isn’t afraid to “watch the things that God hates”, “wear the things that God hates”, “act like the world”, “look like the world”, and “smell like the world”, to quote Paul Washer (Php. 3:17-21). In fact, this is the subplot entertainment of the late-night talk show that Durban hosts, called, “Next Week With Jeff Durbin”, where he is the star comedian. As a plague upon the Church and a blasphemous stench in heathen society, Durban’s filthy antics often include vulgarity, cursing, insobriety, insincerity, and mockery. In one such episode, this was the opening statement…
As Paul & Rosario enjoy making violent jokes before hundreds of thousands of onlookers in cyberspace, while quoting iconic movies like “Bloodsport” (Eph. 5:4), one can only imagine how much of the godless culture of America has infected the souls of the Washer family (Eph. 4:29, Col. 3:8, 17). This is coming from a man who famously preached so strongly against watching “programs on television that God absolutely despises” (Ps. 101:3). Nevertheless, the Washer family is clearly entertained by “The Lord of the Rings”. Not only does Rosario Washer boast about her favorite scene in the movie, when her kids came to learn how to ride horses, she couldn’t help but celebrate the achievement by calling them, “All the riders of Rohan..”.
Considering the fact that “The Lord of the Rings” is a cinematic tutorial of Witchcraft that has led people by droves into practicing magic worldwide, this is truly disturbing. Then, later on, Rosario is inspired to dress up Rowan like “Rey” from “Star Wars”, while enthusiastically publishing hashtags like #starwarstheforceawakens and #starwarsgeek, as she playfully calls her kids by the nickname #kamikaze. Rosario, also called Charo, is so absorbed with the world that her slogan for her recently removed photography website read: “Photography is a love affair with life.” (James 4:4, Lk. 14:26). All this and more is countenanced by Paul Washer, the same man who valiantly challenged people’s conversion to Christ based upon if their “heroes are worldly people, if [they] want to look like them and act like them”. Given the hypocrisy, this makes me wonder what inspired Paul and Rosario to name their two baby girls Rowan and Bronwyn. Could it be that they named their kids after characters from “The Lord of the Rings”? God knows.
Considering the circumstances, one can only wonder the topic of laughter as the friends and family members of Paul Washer gather together for a good time. The Church Universal would be shocked to hear Paul being made to “laugh about the very things that God hates” (Php. 4:8-9)! Nevertheless, his conscience has become seared, so now he jokes about how his wife humorously lied to him with Todd Friel – an obnoxious and insober radio personality who is gifted at bringing relatively serious men into a state of carnality and lightness (Col. 3:9, Titus 2:2, 1 Tim. 3:2). I’m sure Todd feels guilty about his noisome insobriety of character, so he has capitalized on the moment to officially broadcast Paul Washer’s “Sense of Humor” to the whole world (1 Tim. 3:2, James 3:17). How many unconverted or backslidden souls of this generation are justifying the practice of serious sin simply because Paul Washer does it?
I know for certain that Les Lanphere is doing it. You know… the man who got Paul Washer to rap! He somehow achieved this while interviewing him for a recently released movie, “Calvinist”, seeing he was entrusted with the apostolic role of capturing the essence of what it means to be a Calvinist to the up-and-coming generation of today. As a beer enthusiast who has the audacity to name his podcast on theology “The Reformed Pubcast”, you can imagine who else might be in the famed documentary he put together (Isa. 28:7-9). Men like Joe Thorn and Jeff Durban. As a lead Pastor, Joe unashamedly has “a love of all things dark” – and by this he means things like horror movies, death metal, and dark fiction. With such passions, you can imagine what Thorn had in mind when he named his dog “Lucyfur”! Jeff Durban, however, needs no introduction.
Jeff has become a controversial figure among Calvinists today because of a lascivious lifestyle (Jude 1:4). Judging by how he acts, looks, walks, talks, and smells, he is often wrongly accused of being a drunkard; however, this is something he proudly denies, only because he hasn’t even tasted a beer for years out of personal preference. Nevertheless, he might as well be drunk (Isa. 29:9-10, 1 Thess. 5:5-8)! Jeff certainly isn’t afraid to “watch the things that God hates”, “wear the things that God hates”, “act like the world”, “look like the world”, and “smell like the world”, to quote Paul Washer (Php. 3:17-21). In fact, this is the subplot entertainment of the late-night talk show that Durban hosts, called, “Next Week With Jeff Durbin”, where he is the star comedian. As a plague upon the Church and a blasphemous stench in heathen society, Durban’s filthy antics often include vulgarity, cursing, insobriety, insincerity, and mockery. In one such episode, this was the opening statement…
In another video from Apologia, Jeff Durban happily leads Douglas Wilson and Toby Sumpter in an “exciting” conversation about R-rated sensual vulgarities that are a shame even to speak, while making the occasion attractive by titling the video “Three Pastors and a Beer”. Can you believe it? Paul Washer has clearly drifted away from Biblical Christianity into worldliness. Not in filmmaking or conference associations, merely, but at home with his family, which is a true test of godliness (1 Tim. 3:5). Also, at the Pulpit, in the ministry of the Word, which should be the most sacred and guarded ministry of the ecclesiastical body of the Church. Lo and behold, Jeff Durban of all people has disgraced Paul Washer’s renowned Pulpit at “Christ Church Radford”! Keep in mind that this Church is the ecclesiastical face of Heartcry Missionary Society. Apparently, Paul Washer and the presbytery there considers Jeff Durban to be a qualified Elder in the faith of Jesus Christ.
It’s hard to exaggerate the implications of the poor discernment put on display here. There must be something terribly wrong with Heartcry and Christ Church Radford. Indeed, before the Lord, there are many things wrong; and I’m sure witnesses would rise up and speak about it, if only Heartcry didn’t silence and erase the names and ministries of those who have voiced any constructive criticism. The carnal tactics of merciless brutality employed by these men and former staff members of Heartcry is truly shocking. The cover up and secrecy which has been widely successful to date makes it appear as if nothing at all has been amiss these past decades (Prov. 28:13). Especially among celebrity preachers, sometimes the only evidence of great catastrophe and scandal is the shuffling of the staff on a webpage because with a click of a button the names, faces, and titles of precious souls are deleted. Then, upon looking at old newsletters, articles, magazine editions, or sermons, you find no trace of the ministries of these people, even though they invested years into Heartcry (Matt. 10:26-28).
Speaking of such, you may have noticed something lately. Kevin Hite, a close friend and trusted confidant of Paul Washer, was erased from Heartcry. In October of 2020 he was simply deleted. Why? It’s another coverup for calamitous moral failures in the ranks, such that the members of Christ Church Radford and the associates of Heartcry worldwide are still reeling with shock from the news. On October 8th, Kevin Hite was arrested; and upon being interviewed by the police he reportedly admitted to pedophilia and sexual misconduct with a girl for years, starting when she was 13 years old. Kevin is widely known to be one of the primary Leaders of Heartcry, and not a mere office administrator who deals with paperwork like a secretary. Deceitfully, in a secretive message that Heartcry sent to notify their donors, Paul Washer changed Kevin Hites title from the Director of Operations to an Office Administrator, making it appear as if he was of little consequence to the missionary society in decisive pastoral ministry. On the contrary, Paul Washer called Kevin Hite “one of the pillars of Heartcry”, describing him to be “the kind of guy you want in your foxhole during an all-out war”.
Sadly, former Heartcry Missionaries would attest to the same, but not in a positive light. People would be shocked to hear about the true estate of the Missionaries and Church Plants in Peru and the various fallouts that have happened through the decades. I know several former Heartcry Missionaries who have come out and testified of these things, and I’m sure there are more to come. Those who have been with Paul Washer in Peru in the early days can testify to the compromises that he has allowed in his life and ministry that has eventually led to this demise. Even outsiders can observe his growing affiliation with famous celebrity preachers, especially those of nobility in the Cessationist sector of Calvinism in America. I’m sure this bad company has been damaging to his soul over time (1 Cor. 15:33). Sadly, not all Messengers prove faithful to the divine message that they were once empowered by God to deliver. Such can be said of Paul Washer and the Shocking Youth Message (1 Kings 13:1-34).
Sadly, former Heartcry Missionaries would attest to the same, but not in a positive light. People would be shocked to hear about the true estate of the Missionaries and Church Plants in Peru and the various fallouts that have happened through the decades. I know several former Heartcry Missionaries who have come out and testified of these things, and I’m sure there are more to come. Those who have been with Paul Washer in Peru in the early days can testify to the compromises that he has allowed in his life and ministry that has eventually led to this demise. Even outsiders can observe his growing affiliation with famous celebrity preachers, especially those of nobility in the Cessationist sector of Calvinism in America. I’m sure this bad company has been damaging to his soul over time (1 Cor. 15:33). Sadly, not all Messengers prove faithful to the divine message that they were once empowered by God to deliver. Such can be said of Paul Washer and the Shocking Youth Message (1 Kings 13:1-34).
A man of God to Bethel came,
Decried the altar in Jehovah’s Name,
But soon transgressed the divine order,
And never made it beyond the border.
Wisely at first he determined to flee,
But then entertained an older prophet’s plea,
And fellowshipped awhile in a forbidden land,
Only to die at last for trespassing God’s plan.
Decried the altar in Jehovah’s Name,
But soon transgressed the divine order,
And never made it beyond the border.
Wisely at first he determined to flee,
But then entertained an older prophet’s plea,
And fellowshipped awhile in a forbidden land,
Only to die at last for trespassing God’s plan.