Poetry by Sean Morris (Elder)
Preface to "A Case Against Xmas"
Before you mistake me, or wrongfully condemn a regenerate friend,
Please be sure to read this book all the way to the end,
Then perhaps you will be equipped for the Holy Ghost to send.
To be offensive is not my intention, nor to be considered unkind.
I seek only honesty to scripture and the reader to have a meditation of a God-written picture,
But these defy the defensive that are spiritually deaf and bring buffeting bitterness to the blind.
Nevertheless, “I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind,
Because of the grace that is given to me of God” (Romans 15:15).
By his grace, I did feel led, to sometimes write in a mode different than truths just plainly said.
The purpose for this I cannot tell, but that I wished my readers would slow down and take in the smell.
The knowledge I mean, as a savour, that my readers would smell carefully and mindfully to tell the flavor.
To the end they understand the oracles of God and it does spiritually change their behavior.
When you read this book please remember this thing,
That there is a limited amount of communication that typed text can bring.
Therefore, please be careful not to judge my tone.
Hard truths written by themselves alone, Leave room for readers to interpret a tone that was never shown.
Communication without body language may cause a reader's mind to wander and roam,
Nevertheless be certain that these truths have broken my bones.
If I lived day by day without sorrow and grief, Then the chapters herein written are not my belief.
My inner man may break and my bones shake, But there are certain cries that do sinners awake,
And an assortment of methods righteous reasoning does take.
It may come in sharpness given to the heartless, P
aul’s arguments that were sarcastic in rhetorical tactic,
Or the prophet’s illustrative sermons of God’s wrath that were frightfully enthusiastic.
Civilized men do not depict the love of urgency, and emotionless messages are not for emergencies.
In delivery of a message the prophets were often blatant and drastic,
To compel men to the truth and away from the fatal fantastic[1].
[1] Those individuals who are overcome by religious fantasy, that teach truths that are unbiblical fantasies.
Before you mistake me, or wrongfully condemn a regenerate friend,
Please be sure to read this book all the way to the end,
Then perhaps you will be equipped for the Holy Ghost to send.
To be offensive is not my intention, nor to be considered unkind.
I seek only honesty to scripture and the reader to have a meditation of a God-written picture,
But these defy the defensive that are spiritually deaf and bring buffeting bitterness to the blind.
Nevertheless, “I have written the more boldly unto you in some sort, as putting you in mind,
Because of the grace that is given to me of God” (Romans 15:15).
By his grace, I did feel led, to sometimes write in a mode different than truths just plainly said.
The purpose for this I cannot tell, but that I wished my readers would slow down and take in the smell.
The knowledge I mean, as a savour, that my readers would smell carefully and mindfully to tell the flavor.
To the end they understand the oracles of God and it does spiritually change their behavior.
When you read this book please remember this thing,
That there is a limited amount of communication that typed text can bring.
Therefore, please be careful not to judge my tone.
Hard truths written by themselves alone, Leave room for readers to interpret a tone that was never shown.
Communication without body language may cause a reader's mind to wander and roam,
Nevertheless be certain that these truths have broken my bones.
If I lived day by day without sorrow and grief, Then the chapters herein written are not my belief.
My inner man may break and my bones shake, But there are certain cries that do sinners awake,
And an assortment of methods righteous reasoning does take.
It may come in sharpness given to the heartless, P
aul’s arguments that were sarcastic in rhetorical tactic,
Or the prophet’s illustrative sermons of God’s wrath that were frightfully enthusiastic.
Civilized men do not depict the love of urgency, and emotionless messages are not for emergencies.
In delivery of a message the prophets were often blatant and drastic,
To compel men to the truth and away from the fatal fantastic[1].
[1] Those individuals who are overcome by religious fantasy, that teach truths that are unbiblical fantasies.