Poetry by Lindsay Morris
"To a Generation Soon to Pass"
Oh generation so soon to pass!
A generation grown so old!
Age conquered youth and strength is past,
...so dim your jewels and dark your gold!
What will become of thine earthly goods,
When the sun shall set on this life now?
Whom shall stand where you once stood,
And for love of life, his knee to bow?
Could sin and vanity converge -
To make one think there's life still more?
While Death knocks and whispers a-durge -
The keys of death and hell are God's!
Life and death are in His command!
And those who walk the way that's broad -
Oh pride that will not let thee search
The inward parts that Christ doth see!
Thy mouth proclaims, "I am the church"
But the Scriptures say, "It cannot be!"
The meek and lowly with Christ shall reign!
But the proud in delusion have not this lot.
Christ died to cleanse man's every stain!
So while there's yet day LINGER NOT!
Just as fast as beauty doth fade!
...and old age makes the body sore!
Death the body shall eat away!
...like hell-fire pains do souls devour!
So search the Word for in it is TRUTH!
And see if ye be twice born of God.
Forsake the pride of man from youth,
and live by every Word of God!
Oh generation so soon to pass!
A generation grown so old!
Age conquered youth and strength is past,
...so dim your jewels and dark your gold!
What will become of thine earthly goods,
When the sun shall set on this life now?
Whom shall stand where you once stood,
And for love of life, his knee to bow?
Could sin and vanity converge -
To make one think there's life still more?
While Death knocks and whispers a-durge -
The keys of death and hell are God's!
Life and death are in His command!
And those who walk the way that's broad -
Oh pride that will not let thee search
The inward parts that Christ doth see!
Thy mouth proclaims, "I am the church"
But the Scriptures say, "It cannot be!"
The meek and lowly with Christ shall reign!
But the proud in delusion have not this lot.
Christ died to cleanse man's every stain!
So while there's yet day LINGER NOT!
Just as fast as beauty doth fade!
...and old age makes the body sore!
Death the body shall eat away!
...like hell-fire pains do souls devour!
So search the Word for in it is TRUTH!
And see if ye be twice born of God.
Forsake the pride of man from youth,
and live by every Word of God!