Poetry by Joy Ringnald
“Salvation, For Those Who Will Receive It”
There is truly nothing good in me
That I clearly see.
Nothing that wants to watch and pray.
Nothing that wants to work for Jesus
especially when it costs
Nothing that loves self-sacrifice
Nothing that loves to die to dear desire
Nothing that loves to be humble and needy
Nothing that loves to put others first and self last
Wretched is the flesh
Selfish to it's core.
Nothing good, nothing kind, nothing loving
Can be found in these sinful members of mine.
But, there is a hope I surely have
'Tis found in One called Jesus Christ.
Poor and needy sinners He doth receive
And then endue with power
To become holy and useful vessels.
Jesus Christ still saves sinners
He saves them every day;
Only let them acknowledge their offenses,
And seek His help and mercy.
Jesus Christ is looking for
the poor,
the destitute,
the wretched
He is looking for the soul who sees their sin.
He is looking for those He can save.
Jesus Christ cannot save….
the proud
the hypocrite
the pharisee
Jesus Christ cannot save…
those who justify themselves
those who blame others
those who cover their sins
those who seek to save themselves.
Jesus Christ can save…
the guilty soul who admits it
the broken man who needs a Saviour
the contrite spirit that acknowledges sin
and leaves forgiveness in the hands of God's mercy.
If you will receive salvation from your sins, He will surely give it.
Only few men will receive salvation
While many men proudly go to hell
Thinking themselves better than they are.
Will you let Jesus Christ save you?
Will you be the guilty, wretched sinner who needs help and receives it?
When He saves you then…
you can serve Him
you can watch and pray for Him
you can deny self
you can deny dear desire
you can serve Him when it costs.
Those who He saves receive power
To do what they formerly hated
To do what they could not do
To love Him more than self.
Behold the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God unto salvation…
Bless God for
salvation from sin
salvation unto righteousness.
Guilty sinner
Acknowledged sinner
Saved saint
Serving saint.
There is truly nothing good in me
That I clearly see.
Nothing that wants to watch and pray.
Nothing that wants to work for Jesus
especially when it costs
Nothing that loves self-sacrifice
Nothing that loves to die to dear desire
Nothing that loves to be humble and needy
Nothing that loves to put others first and self last
Wretched is the flesh
Selfish to it's core.
Nothing good, nothing kind, nothing loving
Can be found in these sinful members of mine.
But, there is a hope I surely have
'Tis found in One called Jesus Christ.
Poor and needy sinners He doth receive
And then endue with power
To become holy and useful vessels.
Jesus Christ still saves sinners
He saves them every day;
Only let them acknowledge their offenses,
And seek His help and mercy.
Jesus Christ is looking for
the poor,
the destitute,
the wretched
He is looking for the soul who sees their sin.
He is looking for those He can save.
Jesus Christ cannot save….
the proud
the hypocrite
the pharisee
Jesus Christ cannot save…
those who justify themselves
those who blame others
those who cover their sins
those who seek to save themselves.
Jesus Christ can save…
the guilty soul who admits it
the broken man who needs a Saviour
the contrite spirit that acknowledges sin
and leaves forgiveness in the hands of God's mercy.
If you will receive salvation from your sins, He will surely give it.
Only few men will receive salvation
While many men proudly go to hell
Thinking themselves better than they are.
Will you let Jesus Christ save you?
Will you be the guilty, wretched sinner who needs help and receives it?
When He saves you then…
you can serve Him
you can watch and pray for Him
you can deny self
you can deny dear desire
you can serve Him when it costs.
Those who He saves receive power
To do what they formerly hated
To do what they could not do
To love Him more than self.
Behold the gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of God unto salvation…
Bless God for
salvation from sin
salvation unto righteousness.
Guilty sinner
Acknowledged sinner
Saved saint
Serving saint.