Testimonies: Rebuttals
Listed below are various testimonies of our dealings with those who have, of late, slandered not us, but the name of the Lord in Whom we stand.
We have been maligned and hated, but for the truth, and we do hereby, in the following effort, step forward to testify to the internet world. Below, and firstly, there are hyperlinked testimonies, both of salvation and of defense against certain false accusers, and sadly, some of those are our close kindred. Though we are sad, even shattered at heart, we are still glad in the Lord: “As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing” (2 Cor. 6:10). We must endure and hope for the God of truth to triumph in an age of venomous compromise, even as astonishing events unfold before all of our eyes which, doubtless, are at least preparatory for the Great “Falling Away” (2 Thess. 2:3) which was prophesied beforehand to come. With these testimonies we do ask, we plead, hear the right and judge the truth – if this be a work of God or no – “The word of our testimony.”