Posted by The Church of Wells on Saturday, June 20, 2020
What is the Day of the LORD? It is the most highly anticipated Day of the New Testament, the most fearful reference point essential to pastoral rhetoric, and the most dreadful situation forthcoming upon mankind (Rev. 8:13, 12:12; "Christ-Centered Preaching"). Yet, it's an unspoken issue among modern-day prognosticators (Jer. 5:27-31); it's an unworthy incident among the mob's most famous news reporters (Jer. 4:5-10); and, its an unseen situation among the sleepy watchmen of our time (Isa. 21:1-12, Matt. 25:1-13). What is the Day of the LORD? It's not what you think (Lk. 12:40)! It comes as a thief in the night upon unsuspecting sleepers (2 Pet. 3:10, 1 Thess. 5:2, Lk. 12:39). Suddenly - at the break-in - "Christians" will suffer a surprising robbery of their undying souls from each one's refuge of false security (Matt. 25:11, Lk. 13:24-30; Matt. 7:21-23, Rev. 3:2-3). It is a divinely authored trap ordained to ensnare all men that dwell on the face of the earth (Lk. 21:34-36). In other words, it's a Day of fanning & sifting (Matt. 3:10-12, Lk. 3:16-17, Amos 9:8-10); a Day of purging, purifying, & destroying (Mal. 3:1-3, 4:1)! just depends on who you are and how you respond. THE DAY OF THE LORD
What is the Day of the LORD? It's a Day so catastrophic that "Christians" will howl amidst the destruction and "every man's heart shall melt" (Isa. 13:6-9). Catastrophe will befall the covetous as the cross-less professors of "Christianity" will be heard crying out, "WHO CAN ABIDE IT?" (Joel 2:11; Jer. 6:13, 8:10; Hos. 7:13-16)! Why? For the love of their lives they will lament in these outcries of bitter agony (1 Thess. 5:1-5, Rev. 3:2-3; Rev. 12:11). They will commiserate among themselves in utter amazement with their faces as flames (Isa. 13:8). "Alas for the Day!" (Joel 1:15), the prophet Joel exclaimed! ...for, this is none other than "THE GREAT AND THE TERRIBLE DAY OF THE LORD" (Joel 2:11, 31)! Therefore shall the mighty men of "Carnal Christianity" cry bitterly (Zeph. 1:14, Amos 6:1, Hos. 4:6-11) and be "mad" for the sight of their eyes (Deut. 28:28, 34)! Then, after a short space (Rev. 12:12), the Cup of Drunkenness will be passed from the Church to Babylon's World (Rev. 19:11-21; Jer. 25:15-38; Isa. 51:17-23). First, Heaven will besiege Earth (Rev. 16:1-11). Then, Babylon's World will gather for war against the Lamb of God (Rev. 16:12-16, 17:14, 19:19). At last, in the climactic outbreak of war: the Shaking (the 7th Vial [Rev. 16:17-21])! "And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken" (Lk. 21:25-26). For all that the Day brings (Winepress & Worldwide Battle), and before all is said and done, "The lofty looks of man shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and the LORD alone shall be exalted in that Day" (Isa. 2:10-11). This is what Malachi called, "THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD" (Mal. 4:5)! THE TRUMPETS
What is the Day of the LORD? It's a "DAY OF THE TRUMPET" (Zeph. 1:16)! It's an "ALARM OF WAR" (Jer. 4:19)! It's an urgent message from divinely appointed Watchmen (Isa. 21:1-12, Ezek. 33:1-9; Rev. 10-11). It's an alarm to the inhabitants of the earth so important and absolutely unprecedented, divinely appointed holy angels will publish the forewarning by the blast of celestial trumpets from the lofty abode of Heaven ("And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound." - Rev. 8:6; Rev. 8:13, 12:12)! This is a cause for fear & trembling, even as it was written, "...let all the inhabitants of the Land tremble: for the Day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at hand" (Joel 2:1, Zeph. 1:14, Jer. 6:17, 5:21-22, Amos 3:6)! Those beholden to divine justice will get the loudly declared message (Jer. 4:19-31). By reason of it men shall flee Jerusalem (Matt. 24, Mk. 13; Jer. 6:1). At the hearing of it men shall discern a coming destruction (Jer. 4:5, 21; Zech. 14:1-2; Lk. 17, 21; Rev. 9:1-19). For the duration of it men shall tremble with awe and wonder at what's ahead (Joel 2:1, Heb. 12:18-21, 25-29), not unlike the Church in the Wilderness trembled before the fiery Mount (Ex. 19:13, 16, 19, 20:18). If deluded mankind will not hearken to the voice of the first trumpet, then what's left of them will be alarmed at the blast of "the last trump" (1 Cor. 15:52, 1 Thess. 4:16, Matt. 24:31; Isa. 18:3, Zech. 9:14)! It's high time for Christianity to reckon with the loud announcement of these alarming TRUMPETS (Rom. 13:11-14)! - Trumpet #1, Trumpet #2, Trumpet #3, Trumpet #4, Trumpet #5, Trumpet #6, Trumpet #7! That's the truth. THE DAY OF DARKNESS
What is the Day of the LORD? It is a "DAY OF DARKNESS" (Joel 2:2)! It is when the earth and heavens tremble and turn dark before, amidst, and about the celestial and terrestrial armies of Babylon the Great (Joel 2:10). For, the rise of Babylon by war and conquest will result in blood, fire, and pillars of smoke as a third of mankind dies in the onslaught (Joel 2:30-31). In reflection upon these wonders, Zephaniah says, "That Day is... a Day of wasteness and desolation, a DAY OF DARKNESS and GLOOMINESS, a DAY OF CLOUDS and THICK DARKNESS" (Zeph. 1:15)! Even so, the loud shouts of angelic voices bear witness to the woefulness of this dreadful Day (Rev. 8:13)! God, the Creator, would have men gaze upward and behold the astonishment of the heavens - that men would depart from earthly passions and become horribly afraid (Jer. 2:12-13)! Look, and see: the whelming clouds of smoke! In horror, behold: the ghostly creatures proceeding from the thick darkness! Wonder, and regard: a haunted earth with an open Hell! Then, after a short space (Rev. 12:12), watch and see: the black skies open and light appear (Matt. 24:29, 35; Rev. 6:12-17)! See wrath unfurled and watch Babylon fear (Isa. 34:1-2)! Hear a warrior shout and the sword brought near (Joel 3:9:-16, Isa. 34:1-8)! This is the fiery consumption of heaven and earth in the utter destruction of Babylon (Isa. 24:1-12, 21-23) - when, for darkness and light, day is indiscernible from night and night from day (Zech. 14:3-7)! THE DAY OF VENGEANCE
What is the Day of the LORD? It is a DAY OF VENGEANCE (Lk. 21:22). It is when the Antichrist pilots the vehicle of Babylon, the Beast (Ezek. 38:16-17), for the space of forty two months (Rev. 13:5), making it a Day foretold to be like no other (Rev. 11:2, 3, 12:6, 12, 14, 17:10). "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matt. 24:21, Dan. 12:1). Why? Because this one man will have the combined personality and power of the Little Horn (Daniel 7:8, 8:9), the Prince (Dan. 9:26-27), the Vile Person (Dan. 11:21), & the King of Babylon (Isa. 13:3), and therefore he is called the "Man of Sin" and "the Son of Perdition" (Mk. 13:14; 2 Thess. 2:3-4)! In a demonic rampage he will accomplish “the transgression of desolation” (Dan. 8:13) for “the overspreading of abominations” (Dan. 9:27) to “pollute the Sanctuary” (Dan. 11:31) and outlaw Biblical Christianity (Rev. 13:1-18). "For these be THE DAYS OF VENGEANCE, that all things which are written may be fulfilled" (Lk. 21:22, Rev. 17:17). What is the Day of the LORD? It is a Day when the Antichrist will "make war with the saints" and "overcome" them (Rev. 13:5-7). For, it is a Day of howling like that of Palestina (Isa. 14:31), Moab (Isa. 15:2-3, 16:7; Jer. 48:20, 31, 39), Tyre (Isa. 23:14, Jer. 47:2), Egypt (Ezek. 30:2), and the Ammonites (Jer. 49:3) when Babylon advanced upon their coasts and they suffered a punishing defeat. Much more, it is a Day of howling like that of the backslidden Church (Isa. 65:14, Jer. 4:8, Ezek. 21:1-7, Joel 1:5, 11, 13, Zeph. 1:11) when Babylon conquered Judah and robbed them of their children by scattering their families in a total of 6 Captivities until Jerusalem was without inhabitant and void of life. Much more, I say, because the Church is the one and only elect people divinely intended to be set-apart from all other peoples, therefore for them this is a Day of travail like no other since the world began (Dan. 12:1, Jer. 4:31, 6:24, 13:21, 22:23, 30:5-7, Lam. 3:5, Micah 4:9-10, 1 Thess. 5:3). Then, after a little while, "the controversy of Zion" will come up before God in Heaven (Isa. 34:8). This, too, is "THE DAY OF THE LORD's VENGEANCE" (Isa. 34:8). This has always been in the heart of God (Isa. 63:4). Even so, a great proclamation will be made worldwide at the sudden turning of things (Isa. 61:2, 2 Thess. 1:7-10), while the stout gazes of Babylonians worldwide will be made to dread the sight of their eyes and the sounds of their ears! Why? Jesus said, "For THE DAY OF VENGEANCE is in mine heart, and THE YEAR OF MY REDEEMED is come." (Isa. 63:4). At last, and finally, this is "THE DAY OF VENGEANCE" upon Babylon for her sins against the Jews (Isa. 61:2). This is the End of the World. THE DAY OF WRATH
What is the Day of the LORD? It is a "DAY OF WRATH" (Zeph. 1:15). It is the fire of God's jealousy falling upon the backslidden Church (Zeph. 1:18). It is an inescapable terror to the fearless freeloaders who promise themselves liberty (Prov. 1:29, Lam. 2:22, 2 Pet. 2:18-22). This is "THE DAY OF THE LORD's ANGER" (Zeph. 2:1-3, Lam. 2:22)! - a desperately serious situation (Zeph. 2:2); a hardly survivable occasion (Zeph. 1:18, 1 Pet. 4:17-18); a cause for corporate repentance among believers (Zeph. 2:1-3, Job 21:30); a reason to hide (Zeph. 2:3, Ps. 91:1, Hos. 14:7, Isa. 26:20-21, Ps. 27:5, 143:9)! For this shall rich men cast away their most prized possessions hoping for divine appeasement to no avail (Prov. 11:4, Zeph. 1:18, James 5:1-5, 1 Tim. 6:17-19). There's no other remedy but Babylon (Deut. 32:36, Heb. 10:30-31). The divine plan is irreversible. Backslidden Christians everywhere will be made to reckon with the Sword of the LORD through Babylon. Then, before the Day expires, and all is said and done, the demonstration of "indignation and wrath" will grow in its scope to include all the kindreds of the earth (Rom. 2:8-9). The judgments will crescendo into a greater glory of divine wrath (Rom. 9:22). "Behold, He cometh with the clouds; and every eye shall see Him, and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him" (Rev. 1:7)! This is what Paul called, "THE DAY OF WRATH" (Rom. 2:4-11). It is the "revelation of the righteous judgment of God" (Rom. 2:5) by virtue of the Righteous Judge appearing in bodily presence to do the judgment! Even as Paul (under inspiration) spoke of the righteousness of these judgments "...when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ" (2 Thess. 1:4-10). It behooves men to learn and discover the righteous judgments of Christ in "THE DAY OF HIS WRATH" (Ps. 110:5; Lk. 21:34-36). Lest, in being ignorant (Dan. 12:10), your voice will join the mighty outcry of Kings in the Last Day, when they madly exclaim to the mountains, "Fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that sitteth on the Throne, and from THE WRATH OF THE LAMB: for THE GREAT DAY OF HIS WRATH is come; and who shall be able to stand?" (Rev. 6:16-17; Lk. 21:36; Ps. 76:7)! THE DAY OF EVIL
What is the Day of the LORD? It is "THE DAY OF EVIL" (Prov. 16:4, Jer. 17:17-18) - one abundantly described for mankind's serious consideration (Eccl. 12:1-7). It's a Day of inescapable evil (Jer. 4:6, 6:1, 19, 11:11, 23, 17:17-18, 19:15, 23:12) for the greater good of the Church, even though it will be highly offensive to the Church at the beginning (Isa. 27:8-9; Rev. 7:14). It is a Day of unbelievable evil and paramount strangeness (Hab. 1:5-6) insomuch that, the LORD said, "Behold, I am bringing such evil upon Jerusalem and Judah, that whosoever heareth of it, both his ears shall tingle" (2 Kings 21:12 [1 Sam. 3:11], Jer. 19:3)! Nevertheless, those who understand the devil's wiles in the Evil Day will be prepared beforehand (as it was written, "that ye may be able to withstand in THE EVIL DAY" - Eph. 6:13); therefore, through faith in "the Testimony of Jesus", they will overcome the Dragon (Rev. 1:1-3, 12:11, 17, 19:10)! The End of the World in 1,335 Days In conclusion, I ask: What is the Day of the LORD? It lasts for a total of 1,335 Days (Dan. 12). It begins at the midpoint of the 70th Week of Daniel (Dan. 9). The Great Tribulation transpires for the whole duration of 1,260 Days (Rev. 7:14). Herein is God's judgment of the Church through Babylon. Then comes the next 30 Days amounting to 1,290 Days. Herein is God's judgment upon Babylon in the 2nd Advent War. Then, at last, for the next 45 Days, amounting to 1,335 Days, the Lord will regather and restore the Jews to Jerusalem for the commencement of the Millennial Reign of Christ!
Perhaps you've noticed? When reading the New Testament, have you ever marveled over how the Apostles were inspired to interpret or apply Messianic Prophecy? Or, when reading the Old Testament, have you ever marveled over how much Messianic Prophecy focuses on the 2nd Advent of Christ rather than the 1st Advent? Or, have you ever wondered at how fragmented and scattered 1st Advent Messianic Prophecy is throughout the pages of the Old Testament? In times past, upon a simple and straightforward reading of the Gospel of Matthew or Paul's Epistle to the Romans, I would often be confounded at the use of Biblical Prophecy when the writers quoted the Old Testament. Of course, being a Gentile, my understanding of the Old Testament was outrageously deficient. I knew this much. However, upon comprehending the ultimate intent of Messianic Prophecy as it will be fulfilled in the 2nd Advent of Christ, suddenly the apostolic use of Messianic Prophecy demonstrated in Matthew or Romans makes perfect sense. As follows, there are 6 Methods used by the Apostles to interpret or understand Messianic Prophecy; and, of those 6 Methods, the last is the most profoundly important to the current era of redemption, called, the Gentile Church Age. As stated before, the 6th Category is the most profoundly important to comprehend. As demonstrated by the Apostles Matthew & Paul, among others, there are six countable ways that Messianic Prophecy foretells the 2nd Advent while, at the same time, these prophecies empower and make possible an operation of redemption in the current Gentile Church Age. How can it be? As a fellow Gentile Convert of the current age of redemption, I plead for the exploration of these Mysteries as the Apostles understood them. For, not too many days hence, redemption will turn from the Gentiles to the Jews as accounted in Romans Chapter 11. Then, during the 70th Week of Daniel, the LORD will re-engage the record of ancient prophecy until every last word is fulfilled. Upon understanding the framework of Biblical Reasoning used by the Apostles, only then will we be able to realize the practical significance of these prophecies both now and in the time to come. More specifically, I speak of the Age-Ending Revival that will take place at the close of the Gentile Church Age. Are you ready for what's about to happen in the earth?
The 7th Trumpet "And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth. And the temple of God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark of his testament: and there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great hail." - Rev. 11:15-19 As you can tell from Revelation 11:15-19, and onward, what takes place after the sounding of the 7th Trumpet is no small affair. These events take place in the time-period that Gabriel annexed to the last 1,260 days of this World’s present existence (Dan. 12:11-12)! These are 75 days of Great & Terrible Glory! In this short time period the Jews will be entirely converted, gloriously regathered, and permanently restored unto the Holy Land for the rebuilding of the City and Temple during the Millennial Reign of Christ! This one thing – the restoration of the Jews – was Daniel’s greatest subject of prayer and prophecy, and such was the case with all Spirit-filled Jews in the Old Testament. As an answer to Daniel’s prayerful longing the angel spoke the word: 75 days.
In summary, according to the revelation given to Daniel, all we know is that by Day 1,290 Babylon and her abominations are totally defeated and destroyed and, moreover, by Day 1,335 there’s a consummation of all unfulfilled blessings. Daniel was left largely unanswered concerning these things, this we know, but do you remember when the angel foretold how these things would be unveiled at “the time of the end” (Dan. 12:9) and therein “the wise shall understand” (Dan. 12:10)? This testifies to the fact that God wants the momentous occasion of these dates to be understood! Therefore, we, as the recipients of the New Testament, must labor to understand the “things which must shortly come to pass” in the Last Days (Rev. 1:1). The Book of Revelation was written so that we might read, hear, and keep those things that are written therein, “for the time is at hand” (Rev. 1:3)! With all false humility aside, we must re-ask and answer the ancient question of Daniel by the full record of Holy Scripture; and for us, this means a definitive explanation of Day 1,260, Day 1,290, & Day 1,335 as they relate to the restoration of the Jews! “O my Lord, what shall be the end of these things?” (Dan. 12:8). So, what important and inexpendable acts are to be accomplished in the approximate 27 days that remain before Babylon’s crushing defeat accomplished on Day 1,290? To promote meaningful reflection on the divine acts that God deems as precious investments of time in such a scenario as this, consider the following:
In the accomplishing of these events, the surviving inhabitants of every nation are made to look upon a brave new world; albeit, one much different than humanity had in mind. Come Day 1,290, the fictional plots of pastime novels will be forgotten. The bounding strides of the global elite who aspired to achieve godhood will know themselves to be but men (“Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah.” – Ps. 9:20). Thus, the unimaginable will be realized at the Defeat of the Antichrist & Babylon (Dan. 12:11). Yet, with 45 days still to go before the End, the greater part of time is reserved for the realization of things much more wonderful. So, what important and inexpendable acts are to be accomplished in the 45 days that remain before the Triumphant Entry of Christ into Jerusalem accomplished on Day 1,335? To promote meaningful reflection on the divine acts that God deems as precious investments of time in such a scenario as this, consider the following:
As the reader surveys some of the great themes of the Last Time, to say the least, it should serve as an eye-opening experience: like walking through the golden hallways of prophetic futurity to gaze upon the exploits of a superior age, lo, we are led down the final boulevard of Redeemed Mankind! Then, at last, the Triumphant Entry of Christ into Jerusalem on Day 1,335. The above content, and more, can be found at the following hyperlinks:
![]() “Only ye shall not go very far away.” — Exodus 8:28 "This is a crafty word from the lip of the arch-tyrant Pharaoh. If the poor bondaged Israelites must needs go out of Egypt, then he bargains with them that it shall not be very far away; not too far for them to escape the terror of his arms, and the observation of his spies. After the same fashion, the world loves not the non-conformity of nonconformity, or the dissidence of dissent; it would have us be more charitable and not carry matters with too severe a hand. Death to the world, and burial with Christ, are experiences which carnal minds treat with ridicule, and hence the ordinance which sets them forth is almost universally neglected, and even condemned. Worldly wisdom recommends the path of compromise, and talks of “moderation.” According to this carnal policy, purity is admitted to be very desirable, but we are warned against being too precise; truth is of course to be followed, but error is not to be severely denounced. “Yes,” says the world, “be spiritually minded by all means, but do not deny yourself a little gay society, an occasional ball, and a Christmas visit to a theatre. What’s the good of crying down a thing when it is so fashionable, and everybody does it?” Multitudes of professors yield to this cunning advice, to their own eternal ruin. If we would follow the Lord wholly, we must go right away into the wilderness of separation, and leave the Egypt of the carnal world behind us. We must leave its maxims, its pleasures, and its religion too, and go far away to the place where the Lord calls his sanctified ones. When the town is on fire, our house cannot be too far from the flames. When the plague is abroad, a man cannot be too far from its haunts. The further from a viper the better, and the further from worldly conformity the better. To all true believers let the trumpet-call be sounded, “Come ye out from among them, be ye separate.” - C.H. Spurgeon Beloved of God, have you ever meditated upon the schemes of Satan to compromise your separation? Have you vigilantly considered the above situations and their modern equivalents? Do you know that your Adversary, the Devil, seeks to compromise your SEPARATION! - the very thing God demands from the Church in 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1!
Correlating Resources of Study:
"And they fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall." - Nehemiah 3:8
“Cities well fortified have broad walls, and so had Jerusalem in her glory. The New Jerusalem must, in like manner, be surrounded and preserved by a broad wall of nonconformity to the world, and separation from its customs and spirit. The tendency of these days break down the holy barrier, and make the distinction between the church and the world merely nominal. Professors are no longer strict and Puritanical, questionable literature is read on all hands, frivolous pastimes are currently indulged, and a general laxity threatens to deprive the Lord's peculiar people of those sacred singularities which separate them from sinners. It will be an ill day for the church and the world when the proposed amalgamation shall be complete, and the sons of God and the daughters of men shall be as one: then shall another deluge of wrath be ushered in. Beloved reader, be it your aim in heart, in word, in dress, in action to maintain the broad wall, remembering that the friendship of this world is enmity against God. The broad wall afforded a pleasant place of resort for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, from which they could command prospects of the surrounding country. This reminds us of the Lord's exceeding broad commandments, in which we walk at liberty in communion with Jesus, overlooking the scenes of earth, and looking out towards the glories of heaven. Separated from the world, and denying ourselves all ungodliness and fleshly lusts, we are nevertheless not in prison, nor restricted within narrow bounds; nay, we walk at liberty, because we keep his precepts. Come, reader, this evening walk with God in his statutes. As friend met friend upon the city wall, so meet thou thy God in the way of holy prayer and meditation. The bulwarks of salvation thou hast a right to traverse, for thou art a freeman of the royal burgh, a citizen of the metropolis of the universe.” - C.H. Spurgeon How forcible are right words, my reader! What Spurgeon says it true. Only now, over a hundred years later, we are many steps closer to the final deluge of wrath that will be ushered upon the World! However, this deluge will not come in the form of water, as in Noah's Day, nor will it come in the form of fire, as in Sodom's Day, but it will come in the form of BABYLON! From a broader approach, looking further into the future, the Book of Revelation can be divided into two great themes: (1st) the Day of the LORD through Babylon & (2nd) the Day of the LORD upon Babylon. My reader, have you observed the Doctrine of the Day of the LORD in the Bible? Have you identified the contextual meaning of its use according to the prophets both historically, progressively, and futuristically? These two themes are two different phases of divine judgment, the Judgment of God through Babylon & the Judgment of God upon Babylon. Essentially, these two phases of judgment are foretold by the 7 Trumpets and the 7 Vials; the former employs prophetic metaphors to the glory of God’s Majesty over the natural while the second is completely literal and non-metaphorical. I repeat, one must understand the Day of the LORD through Babylon (see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, & 6th Trumpets) and the Day of the LORD upon Babylon (see the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, & 7th Vials) as categorically different acts of divine judgment. "Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away." - 2 Tim. 3:5 "Alas! The unregenerate pastor becomes terribly mischievous too, for of all the causes which create infidelity, ungodly ministers must be ranked among the first. I read the other day, that no phase of evil presented so marvellous a power for destruction, as the unconverted minister of a parish, with a £1200 organ, a choir of ungodly singers, and an aristocratic congregation. It was the opinion of the writer, that there could be no greater instrument for damnation out of hell than that.
He who presides over a system which aims at nothing higher than formalism, is far more a servant of the devil than a minister of God." - C.H. Spurgeon
Being moved with fear, the Apostle Peter affirmed: "judgment must begin at the House of God" (1 Pet. 4:17)! Do you agree? Do you know what "judgment" Peter is referring to? Consider the verse in full, my reader.
So, what do you think it means? Have you ever heard a sermon on it? Have you ever given diligence to study this profoundly rich and exceedingly relevant topic that spans the Bible from cover to cover? Evidently, the Apostle Peter thought it was relevant to how the saints are saved (Note: according to scripture, the saints are the Citizens of the House of God. - Eph. 2:19). Peter descriptively specified the course, saying, "if the righteous scarcely be saved" (1 Pet. 4:18). What could Peter be referring to when making the inspired estimation, "scarcely", in reference to the experience of salvation!? My reader, the following explanation is but the tip of the iceberg...
Have you ever wondered what King David meant when he said, speaking of God, “Thine arrows stick fast in me” (Ps. 38:2), or, “Thy hand was heavy upon me”, which meant, “[his] moisture is turned into the drought of summer” (Ps. 32:3-4)? What was happening to him? Also, have you ever wondered what David meant, when he said, “the floods overflow me”, or, “Thy wrath lieth hard upon me, and Thou hast afflicted me with all Thy waves” (Ps. 69:2, 88:7)? Speaking of this, again, David said, “All Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me” (Ps. 42:7)! Furthermore, what was happening to David when he cried out to God, “Hide not Thy face far from me” (Ps. 27:9, 143:7), or, in other words, he requested, “Send out Thy light” (Ps. 43:3)? Or, what about when David said, “When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer” (Ps. 32:3-5), and, “my soul thirsteth for Thee, my flesh longeth for Thee in a dry and thirsty land, where no water is” (Ps. 63:1)? Now, we know that David was highly favored by God and beloved in His sight. We know that he was elect of God and precious. But… nevertheless, such experiences like these and more happened to him, a man after God’s own heart! David knew the reason for it all, my reader. These terrifying experiences were God’s spiritual judgments against the progression of sin in David’s life, according to the psalms. Read them carefully and you can see the contextual details which tell the story. You will see how David understood the goodness of God’s favor and love in it all, though the orchestration of such experiences were a fearful trial to endure. These experiences were God’s compulsory judgments which forced David to fulfill the standards of righteousness required by the Church, therefore David suffered them because He was chosen, elect, and precious in the Lord’s sight. Thus, David was compelled to say, “It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn Thy statutes” (Ps. 119:71). These were special judgments delivered to a special people for the fulfillment of special standards of righteousness through the enablement of Special Grace (“the power that worketh in us” – Eph. 3:20). Needless to say, these experiences were observable and morally discernable, right? Indeed. But, what about today? My reader, do you see what David saw? Saints of the 21st century, are these experiences even in your vocabulary? If we do not know what these spiritual judgments are, exactly, and why they happen, then we are susceptible to feel and do just what we think is necessary; which likely means, we will just “be at peace”. Fearfully, we will just “be at peace” …even when God Almighty has taken away our peace! Let’s face it, my reader. Our own deceitful hearts can easily work in collaboration with false prophets for the making of a false peace (Jer. 17:9, Lam. 2:14). Biblical History proves it. Even though God did wound and hurt His beloved people of old, taking away their peace, the false prophets proclaimed the contrary, as it was written: “They have healed also the hurt of the daughter of My people slightly, saying, Peace, peace; when there is no peace” (Jer. 6:14, 8:11, Ezek. 13:10). And, because of this, the people of God were frequently made to voice the wearisome question, “Where is the God of judgment” (Mal. 2:17), as if He doesn’t even exist!
Likewise, most 21st century Christians are blinded from their wounds and hurts which God has inflicted upon them. Contrary to the spiritual experiences and spiritual judgments suffered by the beloved of God, King David, they stagger on in unbelief that any such thing is possible. In the aforementioned terms voiced by David, this means: 21st century Christians meditate, memorize, melodize, and mandate peace even while the arrows of God are stuck fast in their flesh (“Thine arrows stick fast in me” - Ps. 38:2)! At such a time when David did say, “My wounds stink and are corrupt because of my foolishness” (Ps. 38:5), 21st century Christians say to every man his neighbor, “Ye shall have peace”. In such a situation, I cannot help but think of Jeremiah’s alarming outcry, when he said, “Ah, Lord GOD! Surely Thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul” (Jer. 4:10)! True peace is found by looking straight-on at the spiritual judgments of Jesus Christ, the KING of the Church. David’s experiences were manifestations of spiritual judgments (spiritual curses or spiritual plagues) which God inflicted him with, namely: spiritual arrows to wound the soul, spiritual floods of water to suffocate the soul, spiritual darkness to confound and blacken the understanding, and spiritual desertification to dehydrate the spiritual man; and, let us understand that all these forms of Fatherly Chastisement were perfectly in concert with God’s purpose of love and redemption [see “The Goodness of God Leadeth Thee to Repentance”]. These spiritual feelings were manifestations of spiritual judgment executed independently by God or through angels so as to make the saint feel the sinfulness of sin being committed, and repent. Let’s face it, my reader! As Jesus is standing among and walking amidst the Churches with seven stars in His hand, it is for judgment (Rev. 1:20, 2:1, 3:1)! Why else do we see the Angels of God doing what they have done all throughout Biblical History? Thus, in the process of time, as Jesus decides “when sins”, “what sins”, and “how many sins” are made known to each individual saint’s conscience, He doesn’t want them feeling good about it. The terrifying experiences must be proportionate to the horror of sin being committed and confronted, thus repentance is wrought in an otherwise hardened heart (“Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept Thy word” – Ps. 119:67). This is what David was speaking of in a variety of spiritual experiences which were, in summation: the non-damnable spiritual curses of God, called, spiritual famine & desertification, spiritual floods of water, spiritual darkness, and so on. Jesus doesn’t want the saints to feel good about any phase of slipping; and, much more, He doesn’t want the saints to feel good when they have altogether fallen into damnable sin! Saint-to-saint judgment exists to discern when these spiritual judgments of God are in operation upon individuals in the Church. In fact, through the faithful execution of these spiritual plagues, sinning saints cannot be hidden! Slipping saints can never go unnoticed! Thereby, the safety-net operation of saint-to-saint judgment is enabled to catch the slipping from utterly backsliding. Practically, how does this look? Well, John Wesley described it in plain language which resonates with many (The Unquestionable Progress from Grace to Sin), but the word of God does implore the saints to gaze upon the encroachment of sin with literary richness and captivating imagery. If only we felt our sin was like David feelingly described his sin to be, we would repent! If only we knew, understood, and embraced the judgments and operations of a thrice HOLY GOD as a bullock accustomed to the yoke (Jer. 31:18), we would be free (Matt. 11:30, Amos 5:14-15)! In the aforementioned terms, I mean to say, let us understand the workings of Divine Judgment in the Church in the following manifestations...
Interpreting the Promise: "their sins and iniquities will I remember no more" - Heb. 10:172/10/2017 In the wider context, God’s “memory-omitting” powers are used for the salvation of sinners (by way of forgiveness) and the damnation of the righteousness (by way of unforgiveness) to un-regenerated and regenerated men alike. Therefore here, God’s “sin-forgetting” powers are exactly like His “righteousness-forgetting” powers. What if the “I will remember no more” here, in Heb. 8:12, is exactly like the promise, “his righteousness which he hath done shall not be remembered him”, in Ezek. 3:20 & Ezek. 18:24? I say again, what if God operates in “memory-omitting” powers for regenerate and unregenerate men, in account of sin and righteousness committed (with continuance without repentance), just as it is written (see Ezek. 18:21-24 [specifically verses 22 & 24], and see Ezek. 3:20, Heb. 8:12, 10:17)? God is able to forget sins and then remember them again, truly! And God is able to forget righteousness and remember it again, likewise! Should not this “memory-omitting” power be held in balance with the promise, “their sins and iniquities will I remember no more” (Heb. 10:17), especially because there is a subsequent warning given; namely, the remembrance of sins which were formerly forgotten (of blood-bought saints [Heb. 10:19] who were thereby, “sanctified” through blood-sprinkling, then becoming disqualified from atoning mercies which were provided by the “sacrifice” of Christ (Heb. 10:26-29 [compare Heb. 10:26-28 with Numbers 15:28-31, compare Heb. 10:29 with Num. 15:31 & Ezek. 3:20]). You see, my reader, men perished and will perish in the Old Covenant and New Covenant alike because, God executed justice in “memory-omitting”, atonement-mercy disqualifying, and promise-breaching powers! The Condescension of God makes possible such repentances; the Lord going back on what He thought and said (see Jer. 18:7-11 or Ezek. 33:12-20 as a brief example). Do you believe that God remembers your sins no more? Or, on the contrary, do you believe that God remembers your righteousness no more? |
AuthorSean Morris Archives
July 2020