Do you desire to be a biblical Christian? Then let us examine our "activities" in the light of Holy Scripture!
Here are three quotes from men of God which are thought-provoking on this matter:
"Entertainment is the devil's substitute for joy. The more joy you have in the Lord the less entertainment you need.when you can say, 'Thou, O Christ, art all I want.' But listen, be careful: it may strip you of everything else you have; you may lose some of your best friends who think you're fanatical; they don't mind you being kind or good, but you become holy and zealous." - Leonard Ravenhill
"Prayer is taxing. Prayer is exacting. Prayer means enduring. Prayer means denying self, a daily dying by choice. But someone says, 'There's nothing wrong in going fishing for a couple of hours.' Maybe not if you are prayed up. Yet there is something wrong when we go fishing or do some other thing without the Spirit's leading. It is wrong when instead of praying we do things just to please others. There cannot be two operators of the Christian's life. We are either Spirit led in everything or self led." - Leonard Ravenhill
"Note, When we are, upon any account, disabled from following our worldly business, and taken off from it, we should spend our time rather in the exercises of piety and devotion (in acquainting ourselves with the works of God and praising him in them) than in foolish idle sports and recreations. When our hands are sealed up our hearts should be thus opened, and the less we have at any time to do in the world the more we should thereby be driven to our Bibles and our knees." -Matthew Henry
For deeper insight and careful examination into this topic, please see the insightful commentary of Richard Baxter on the subject: "Directions for Amusements and Recreations" by Richard Baxter