Is it not possible that for us also, the conditional statements are binding and true: “if ye forsake Him, He will forsake you” (2 Chron. 15:2), or, “if we deny Him, He also will deny us” (2 Tim. 2:12)? What if our promise, “I will never leave thee nor forsake thee” (Heb. 13:5), is exactly like the promise given to Joshua, “I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee” (Josh. 1:6), and yet God said to Joshua at a later time, “neither will I be with you any more” (Josh. 7:12)? Surely, God was not lying. Surely, He was not acting. What God said He would do He can and will do, if indeed Joshua didn’t comply with the Lord’s commandments.
Even so, likewise, what if our promise, “Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20), is the same as the promise given to Jacob, “I will not leave thee” (Gen. 28:15), and at the dark night of Jacob’s soul God sought to leave him to die at the hand of his blood-thirsty brother Esau, saying, “let Me go” (Gen. 32:26)? This statement, “let Me go”, is in direct contradiction to, “I will not leave thee”. According to your interpretation of the promises of God, my reader, how is this conflict possible? Mind you, at this time Jacob made his “election sure” instead of vainly trusting in his election. He wrestled, clave, and cried, “I will not let Thee go”, to God (Gen. 32:26), until God heard him and answered his call!
If this happened to Jacob, of whom it was said before he was born, “Jacob have I loved” (Rom. 9:13)… can it happen to us? If God behaved this way towards Jacob, the man who is referenced in scripture as the foremost example of God’s election by everlasting love… how do you think God will behave toward us? Jacob, who was elect, did nevertheless make his “election sure” (2 Pet. 1:10), and should we not do the same? If our “never” (Heb. 13:5) is the same as their “I will not” (Josh. 1:6), we must do the same! If our “never” (Heb. 13:5) is the same as their “never” (Judges 2:2), then let us take heed! I solemnly testify to you that, for the neglect of these things and more, “strong crying and tears” (Heb. 5:7) have expired from the sainthood! [For more information, see “Joshua” & “Jacob” as biblical examples.]
Are you making your Election Sure?